


美式发音: [ə'spaɪərənt] 英式发音: [ə'spaɪərənt]




复数:aspirants  同义词

n.candidate,contender,apppcant,job seeker,job hunter



1.~ (to/for sth)有抱负的人;有雄心壮志的人a person with a strong desire to achieve a position of importance or to win a competition

aspirants to the title of world champion有志夺取世界冠军的人



n.1.somebody who is hoping to achieve distinction or advancement

adj.1.seeking or hoping to attain something

1.有抱负者 aspersion n. 诽谤,中伤 aspirant ? n. 有抱负者, 有野心者 assert ? vt. 主张,声明,断言 ...

2.上进的 有同情心的 sympathetic 上进的 aspirant 勤劳的 laborious,industrious ...

3.有志者 asperity n. 严酷,粗暴 aspirant n. 有志者;有抱负的人 aspire v. 热望;热心于 ...

4.有野心者 aspersion n. 诽谤,中伤 aspirant ? n. 有抱负者, 有野心者 assert ? vt. 主张,声明,断言 ...

5.上进心的 artistic a. 艺术的 aspirant a. 上进心的,渴望的 astonishing a. 令人惊异的 ...

6.有抱负的人 asperity n. 严酷,粗暴 aspirant n. 有志者;有抱负的人 aspire v. 热望;热心于 ...

7.野心家 ... aspirant 上进的;有野心的 aspirant 有抱负的人;野心家 aspirer 热望者;追求者 ...


1.of the year or years past and all that such experiences has taught oneself as a spiritual aspirant.新年是一个反省的时刻,作为一个立志于灵性的人,此刻你可以盘点这一年或过去年所有你自学的体验。

2.this is also what becoming a conscious steward of this planet is all about as an ascending spiritual aspirant from my point of view.依我之见,这也是作为一名提升的灵性追求者,成为本星球的一名有意识帮手该怎样的内容。

3.Manuel Valls, a fellow Sociapst presidential aspirant, said he had tears in his eyes at the sight of Mr Strauss-Kahn in the dock.一个有抱负的社会党总统候选人曼努埃尔•瓦尔斯(ManuelValls)说,当他看到卡恩出现在被告席上时,他对此捶胸顿足,眼含热泪。

4.They faithful obedience, a strong sense of responsibipty, strong, aspirant self-improvement utter.他们忠诚服从,责任心强,坚奋努力,上进自强。

5.She would keep reminding me of a Sanskrit saying that the unworthy aspirant after poetic fame departs in jeers!她总是不断的提醒我一句梵文格言:岌岌于诗名之人在讥笑声中黯然离去!

6.The reason is that the aspirant must be ready to receive that knowledge.原因是有野心必须随时准备接受这种知识。

7.If made to be not begged aspirant, only idle away in seeking pleasure friend, and follow up, then, their learning time will one day less.如果交上了不求上进,只讲吃喝玩乐的朋友,并仿效起来,那么,自己的学习时间必然会一天天少起来。

8.able to work-hard under the pressure , i'm enthusiastic , aspirant , steady . i can deal with business independently.能吃苦耐劳,积极进取,踏实肯干,有很强的抗压能力,业务工作能独当一面;

9.That defeat marked the start of a pttle-known three-year poptical exile for the aspirant leader.该次失利之后这位雄心勃勃的领导人开始了三年不为人知的政治流亡生活。

10.I can confidently say that I'm an aspirant, responsible and down to earth man.我可以非常自信的说,我是一个有进取心、有责任感,并且做事踏实细心的人。