


美式发音: [ˈæsprɪn] 英式发音: ['æsprɪn]





n.1.a drug, usually in the form of a pill, that you take to cure minor pains such as headaches

1.乙酰水杨酸 intuitive adj. 直觉的 aspirins n. 阿斯匹林(解热镇痛药), 乙酰水杨酸 bosses n. 老板, 上司 ...

2.斯匹灵ne)、喉糖(throat lozenges)、阿斯匹灵(aspirins)、解热止痛锭 (acetaminophen) 、OK绷(band-aids) 、温度计(thermometers) …

3.举报 ... please dissolve two aspirins in water 举报 37楼 aspirins 举报 57楼 ...


1.He forces himself to open his eyes, and the first thing he sees is a couple of aspirins and a glass of water on the side table.他迫使自己睁开眼睛,第一眼就看到了床边的桌上放了几片阿司匹林和一杯水。

2."The agent was also to smoke one of the cigarettes and would take one of the real aspirins from the tube, " said the MI5 report.“这个特工也得抽这样的烟,然后从小瓶子里吃一颗真的阿士匹灵。”英国陆军情报局5处的报告提到;

3.He took some aspirins to alleviate his headache .他服了些阿司匹林以缓解他的头痛。

4.He reaches into his pocket, pulls out a pile of condoms, finds some aspirins in the midst and washes two down with water.他伸手进袋里,掏出一堆避孕套,在其中找出一些阿司匹灵,用水送下了两颗。

5.As long as you are going to the drugstore anyway, buy me some aspirins.你去药店时,帮我买些阿司匹林。

6.What we need is to deal with the root of the disease, not to give aspirins.我们需要的是解决这些弊病的根源,而不是给一颗阿斯匹林来止痛。

7.Poison disguised as Bayer aspirins, capable of kilpng within 10 minutes.伪装成Bayer阿司匹林的毒药可以在10分钟内置人于死地;

8.One and a half aspirins are left in the bottle .瓶里有一片半的阿斯匹林。

9.The woman was worried about the dangers of taking aspirins, but her doctor reassured her.这名妇女担心服用阿司匹林会带来危险,她的医生让她放心,不会有危险的。

10.All you have to do is take two aspirins and get a good night's sleep.你只要服用两片啊斯匹林,然后好好地睡上一晚就没事了。