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1.The aspnet_filter. dll component is a small Win32 ISAPI filter used to back up the cookieless session state for ASP. NET apppcations.aspnet_filter.dll组件是一个小Win32ISAPI筛选器,用于备份ASP.NET应用程序无cookie会话状态。

2.The ISAPI extension forwards the request to an apppcation domain within the ASP. NET worker process.ISAPI扩展将该请求转发到ASP.NET辅助进程(Aspnet_wp.exe)中的应用程序域。

3.The password for the ASPNET account is cryptographically generated at the time of installation.ASPNET帐户的密码是在安装时通过加密生成的。

4.If the Web site supports anonymous access, this is usually the local ASPNET user account or the NETWORK SERVICE account.如果网站支持匿名访问,这通常是本地ASPNET用户帐户或NETWORKSERVICE帐户。

5.The role of aspnet_state. exe is more vital to Web apppcations, as it has to do with session state management.aspnet_state.exe的角色在web应用程序中是至关重要的,会话状态管理中必须用到它。

6.The ISAPI extension transfers the request to an apppcation domain inside the ASP. NET worker process.ISAPI扩展将请求传递给ASP.NET辅助进程(Aspnet_wp.exe)中的应用程序域。

7.Although not strictly part of the infrastructure, another executable that should be mentioned is aspnet_regiis. exe.还有一些不属于基础设施的部分,另一个应该提到的可执行设施是aspnet_regiis.exe。

8.When aspnet_isapi detects that the worker process is dead, it automatically aborts the request and frees any associated IIS resources.当aspnet_isapi检测到工作进程结束,它将自动终止请求,释放所有指配的IIS资源。

9.To guarantee optimal performance, aspnet_isapi uses asynchronous named pipes to forward requests to the worker process and to get responses.为确保最佳性能,aspnet_isapi使用异步命名管道将请求转发到工作进程并得到响应。

10.If the default process model is enabled, aspnet_isapi queues the request and assigns it to the worker process.如果默认处理模式可用,aspnet_isapi会将请求排队并将其分发到工作进程。