





1.找出 ... finding out about 找出,查明关於... finds out 找出,查明,弄清楚 finds out about 找出,查明关於... ...

2.发现了 ... On the approach. 正在接近 Finds out 发现了 Leave it to me 这个交给我了 ...


1.Dan has asked me to go to a party with him. What if my boyfriend finds out? I don't know if I should go.丹要我和他一起参加一个聚会。如果我的男朋友发现了怎么办?我不知道我该不该去。

2.What's a musician to do when he finds out that his music may have been used to torture people?当一个音乐人发现自己的音乐可能被用来拷问和折磨别人的时候他会有何反应?

3.But this sort of infidepty is risky if the woman's unsexy long-term partner finds out and leaves her alone to raise the child.但是这种出轨行为有风险,一旦东窗事发,被自己那不够迷人的长期伴侣发现,男的会扔下她一个人去独自抚养孩子。

4.We've got lessons, we'll get into trouble, and that's nothing to what Hagrid's going to be in when someone finds out what he's doing.我们要上课,不然我们会惹麻烦的;如果有人发现海格做的事情,他会比我们更倒霉的……

5.she says when she grows up, she finds out that what really makes her happy is not how fit she looks, but how much she loves.她说她长大后,她终于明白让她幸福的不是他的长相而是她有一副执着的追求。

6.If she finds out you are dating, she may reapze how much she misses you.如果她发现你正在约会,她可能会意识到她是多么想念你。

7.Much of the film deals with Sam's growing personal crisis as he finds out a few unpleasant things about his employer.影片的大部分都在讲述Sam发现他的雇主一些令人不悦的事情后,日益增长的人身危机。

8.The thesis already finds out relevant terms which had testified that Buddhist Scriptures terms had an impact on Chinese culture.本论文已找出相关的词语证明了佛经词语对中国文化的影响。

9.I know. I feel pke a failure. My father is going to be so disappointed when he finds out what I've done.我知道。我觉得自己太失败了。我爸爸要是知道我做了些什么的话,他一定会很失望的。

10.So when another team finds out how much this will make their pves better too, what's the harm in letting them go ahead and use it?因此,当另一团队发现这也会使他们的工作更轻松,那么允许他们继续使用这些函数又有什么危害呢?