




1.艾娑 PUSHTECH( 普时特) ASSO艾娑) GASO( 光速) ...

2.副学士 技术/ standard/ 协会/ asso/ 展会/ exhibit/ ...

5.水表协会 充液阀 http://www.twjlyy网址被屏蔽/cyf.htm 水表协会/ asso/ 资讯/ news/ ...

6.一流玩家 ... 奶油牛角( Cornetti alla crema, 1981) 一流玩家( Asso, 1981) 住口当你说话时( Tais-toi quand tu parles! , 1981) ...



1.Meeting Held in Beijing to Discuss Estabpshment of China Business Aviation Asso.中国公务航空协会筹备讨论会在京召开。

2.Other issues: to complete tasks assigned by Asso. Sales Director or NSM or SOE manager.完成销售副总监,或全国销售经理,或全国销售运作效率经理交给的其它工作。

3.Asso. of Chinese Students & Scholars at York Univ.约克大学中国学生学者联合会

4.At four months, babies can recognise pp movements asso- ciated with vowel sounds.四个月大的婴儿就能够辨别出和元音发音有关的嘴唇动作。

5.AsSo long as we don't lose heart, we'll find a way to overcome the difficulty.只要我们灰心,我们就能找到克服困难的方法。

6.Chinese Society of Cardiology Chinese Medical Asso, Editorial Board of Chinese Journal of Cardiology,作者:中华医学会心血管病学分会,中华心血管病杂志编辑委员会,

7.Keeping contact directly with Sales Director, Asso. Sales Director and NSM whenever needed;与销售总监,销售副总监和全国销售经理保持直接联系;

8.Cpnical observation of infertipty asso-ciated with endometriosis treated with Didanyiweifang地丹异位方治疗子宫内膜异位症不孕临床观察

9.Information and Communication office of China Asso,中国畜产品加工研究会信息联络处,

10.American Society for the Study of Orthodontics; ASSO美国正牙学研究学会