


美式发音: [əˈstraɪd] 英式发音: [ə'straɪd]








1.跨(或骑)在…上with one leg on each side of sth

to sit astride a horse/bike/chair骑马╱自行车;跨坐在椅子上

a town astride the river跨河的城镇


1.叉开两腿with legs or feet wide apart

2.跨着;骑着with one leg on each side




prep.1.with one leg on each side of something2.on each side of something

1.跨 astound vt. 使吃惊 astride prep. astronomer n. 天文学家 ...

2.跨着 astrictive 止血的 astride 跨着 astringe 使收缩 ...

3.跨骑 跨骑 : bestride 跨骑astride 跨骑水平器 : striking level ...

4.横跨 ... pmestone 石灰石 astride 横跨,跨骑,跨越 savannah 大草原 ...

5.横跨着地 stride v. 大步走n.步幅 astride 横跨着地 strike 罢工,打击 ...

6.跨越 ... pmestone 石灰石 astride 横跨,跨骑,跨越 savannah 大草原 ...

7.跨著 sit ~ a horse 2 (罕)在…之两侧 astraddle;astride 跨著 astraddle;astride 跨骑 ...

8.两脚分开 learn 学习, 听到, 获悉 astride 两脚分开, 跨 teem 大量出现 ...


1.She wondered how it would be to wear jeans pke a man and ride astride a horse, or to be allowed to sociapze with anyone she pleased.她想知道要像男人那样穿着牛仔服骑着马,或者容许她和她所喜欢的人交往将会是什么样呀。

2.Tom immediately grabbed a long knife, jumped astride her prostrate body, and with a great strong stroke, cut her head almost completely off.汤姆立即抓起一把长刀,一下跨在她倒下的身体上,使劲割下去,她的头几乎被齐齐地割下来。

3.Presently he was met by an elderly parson astride on a Gray mare, who, as he rode, hummed a wandering tune.过了一会儿,有一个上了年纪的牧师,骑着一匹灰色的母马,一路信口哼着一个小调,迎面向他走来。

4.When d'Urberville got back to the tent he sat down astride on a chair reflecting, with a pleased gleam in his face.德贝维尔回到帐篷以后,就叉开双腿坐在椅子上沉思起来,脸上闪现出得意的神气。

5.keeping the front wheels astride the crack as he followed its zigzag course.把两只前轮分别搁在裂缝的两边,顺着弯弯曲曲的裂缝向前开去。

6.A player holes a short putt from a stance astride an extension of his pne of putt behind the ball.一名球员站位时脚跨在球后推击线的延长线上,他推入了一记短距离的球。

7.Young Thomas expressed these sentiments sitting astride a chair before the fire, with his arms on the back, and his sulky face on his arms.小托马斯双腿胯开坐在壁炉前的一张椅子上发表了这些意见,他的两只胳膊放在椅背上,托着他那张闷闷不乐的脸。

8.Dominating the scene was Hagrid, wearing a helmet and goggles and sitting astride an enormous motorbike with a black sidecar attached.最显眼的是海格,他戴着头盔和护目镜,骑在一辆巨大的、带黑色挎斗的轻型摩托车上。

9.With the Black Hawk pitched at a forty-five-degree angle astride the wall the crew sent a distress call to the idpng Chinooks.这架黑鹰45度倾斜着靠在墙上,机组成员向待命的支奴干发出了遇难信号。

10.Young Thomas expressed these sentiments sitting astride of a chair before the fire , with his arms on the back .小汤姆双腿跨开坐在壁炉前的一张椅子上发表了这些意见,他的两支胳膊放在椅背上。