




1.黑白照片 ... black-and-tan 黑底褐斑纹的 black-and-white photograph 黑白照片 black-and-white photography 黑白摄影 ...

2.黑白相片 back-reflection Laue photograph 背射劳厄相片 black-and-white photograph 黑白相片 candid photograph 快拍摄影, 快相 ...


1."That picture. . . " He looked at a black and white photograph to her right that rested on a small, battered side table.“那张照片…”他看到一张黑白照片,在她右边的一张小的用旧了的床头柜上。

2.Besides, he had no idea what Pol Pot looked pke, and only a black-and-white photograph to copy.此外,除了一张黑白照片可供描摹,他不知道波尔布特是什么模样。

3.B looks around the house, sees a Black-and-white photograph hanging on the wall.B环视屋子,见墙上挂着一幅黑百相片。

4.Life is pke a good black and white photograph, there is black, there is white, and lots of shades in between.生活就如同一张好的黑白照片,这部分是白色的,那部分是黑色,也有很多阴影夹杂其间。

5.NEW YORK - The women in the faded black-and-white photograph wear prim, full-length skirts and high collars.褪色黑白相片里面的几位女子穿著端庄的及地长裙和高领上衣。

6.Anonymous, 'The Ghost of Bernadette Soubirous, ', 1890, black-and-white photograph.无名人士拍摄,“圣女伯尔纳德的幽灵”,1890年黑白照。