


美式发音: [əˈstrɑnəmi] 英式发音: [əˈstrɒnəmi]




n.stargazing,radio astronomy,astrophysics,space science



1.天文学the scientific study of the sun, moon, stars, planets, etc.


n.1.the scientific study of the stars, planets, and other objects in the universe

1.天文学 astronomy 天文 astronomy 天文学 astronomical 天文的 ...

2.天文与天体物理 ... 详情 0740-722X 天文与天体物理 ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS 地球化学与地球物理 GEOCHEMISTRY …

3.天文学系 ... Faculty of Science Animal Biology 动物生物学系 Astronomy 天文学系 Atmospheric Science 大气科学 …

4.天文类 ... Chapter 4 Literature and History 文史类 Chapter 5 Astronomy 天文类 Chapter 6 Geography 地理类 ...

5.天文知识 tw.bbs.sci.astrology 命理.星座.性格 tw.bbs.sci.astronomy 天文知识 tw.bbs.sci.biology 生物 ...

6.物理和天文学 ... Mathematics & Statistics 数学与统计, Physics & Astronomy 物理和天文学, Geology & Geophysics 地质与地球 …

7.天文学家 ... /observatory/ 天文学 /astronomy/ 天文学家 /astronomer/ 天下 ...


1.In fact, a typical astronomy spends most of his or her time analysising datas and (can)may only be at telescopes a few weeks of a year.而事实上,一个典型的天文学家利用他(或她)的大部分时间分析数据,而在一年内只有几周的时间花在望远镜观测上。

2.This makes no sense, and is at the heart of controversy, and eventual discovery of something astronomy is starting to see.这说不通啊,而这正是谜题的核心,而且某种事物的最终发现正在开始。

3.In fact, astronomy cannot pinpoint such a "galactic apgnment" to within a year, much less a day.事实上,天文学还不能在一年的误差内计算这一“银河连珠”事件发生的时间,更不用说精确到某一天了。

4.In the great world of astronomy and in the pttle world of the atom, Man has unveiled secrets which might have been thought undiscoverable.在天文学的宏观世界和原子的微观世界,人类揭示了原先可能认为无法提示的秘密。

5.One of the best sites out there at the moment is the website run by Phil Plait known as Bad Astronomy.眼下最好的网站之一是由菲尔。普雷特运营的叫做“拙劣天文学”的网站。

6.And this really changed our whole concept of astronomy, the existence of these neutron star binaries.对于天文学的概念,这些中子双星的,存在,现在一部分是。

7.He rendered a few parts of the Greek works on mathematics and astronomy in his own poor version.他用蹩脚译文翻出了一小部分希腊数学和天文著作。

8.The Roman Aurepus Cassiodorus rendered a few parts of the Greek works on mathematics and astronomy in his own poor version.罗马人AurepusCassiodorus用蹩脚的译文翻出了一小部分希腊数学和天文学著作。

9.In astronomy, the "diameter" of a stellar image as it appears on a CCD frame is often described by the FWHM of the PSF of the source.在天文上,用CCD拍摄的一颗恒星的“角直径”经常被描述为该点扩展函数的半最大值宽度。

10.And what we try to do in astronomy and cosmology is to go back before Darwin's simple beginning, to set our Earth in a cosmic context.我们进行天文学和宇宙学研究要做的就是回溯到达尔文的理论原点将我们的地球置于宇宙的背景中。