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abbr.(=Foreign Affairs Commitee)外交委员会

网络释义:即最后装配号码(Final Assembly Code);空中管制;枸橼酸铁铵(ferric ammonium citrate)


abbr.1.(=Foreign Affairs Commitee)外交委员会

abbr.1.(=Foreign Affairs Commitee)

1.即最后装配号码(Final Assembly Code)FAC - Final Assembly Code (FAC)最后装配码,表示生产厂或最后装配地, 由厂家编码。如40的话,是Motorola在英国(UK)的工 …

2.空中管制23、前进空中管制FAC)装备:参战士兵认为GLTD Ⅱ[地面激光瞄准系统2]的表现可以接受,在车辆平台(包括AAV和坦 …

3.枸橼酸铁铵(ferric ammonium citrate)枸橼酸铁铵(FAC)具有较强的弛豫增强作用,低浓度时,以缩短T1为主,信号强度随浓度升高而增高; 高浓度时,以缩短T2为主…

4.失效评定曲线(Failure assessment curves)失效评定曲线(FAC) 机标分类号: TH4 TG4 参考文献和引证文献 客服电话 4000-115-8888:00-11:30,13:00-17:00(工作日)查看 …


1.In its statement last night the FAC, expressed support for Allen and condemned "the vitriol that has been directed at her in recent days" .昨晚FAC的声明对艾伦表示支持,同时谴责“近来对她尖酸刻薄的批评”。

2.At the time he was writing, new inventions in fac tories were turning out wealth on a scale undreamt of by previous generations.在他写作的年代,工厂里的新发明正在生产出以往世代梦想不到的财富。

3.Thirdly, the closed-loop design of the peak-current control appped to the IM-FAC converter is discussed.论文还讨论了采用峰值电流控制的IM-FAC变换器的闭环参数设计。

4.Objective To identify the cause and transmission route of hepatitis A, to analyse the epidemic fac- tors and to evaluate the control effect.目的查明甲肝暴发原因和传播途径,分析流行因素,评价控制效果。

5.As a FAC graduate, I respect the Foreign Ministry as a part of our regime. An important part.再怎么,外交部也是国家一重要部门啊,能容许此等人胡乱评论吗?。

6.FAC is the principal parpamentary committee responsible for scrutinising the work of the .是主要的议会委员会,负责审查英国政府外交与联邦事务部的工作。

7.Conclusion: Stress of study, less sleep and anxiety in students before matriculation examination are important fac tors associated with TMD.结论:高考前学生的学习压力、睡眠不足等导致紧张心理、焦虑情绪,是TMD的主要发病因素。

8.Objective To compare the fractional area change (FAC) of acoustic quantification techniques of left ventricles (AQ) with manual method.目的对比研究手描法和声学定量技术对二维超声心动图左室短轴不同切面的面积变化分数。

9.To analyze the main reason which causes the minor crime from the influence microscopic social environment fac . . .不良微观社会环境因素的影响是导致未成年人犯罪的主要原因。

10.The experiment results verify the effectiveness of magnetic-integration technique.实验结果充分证明了磁集成技术可提高FAC变换器的整体性能。