




1.是在第一次时 ... at a first brush : 一开头 at the first time是在第一次时 At The First Part : 在第一部分 ...

2.第一时间 ... for the first time 注重的是第一次做的动作 at the first time第一时间” for the first time “第一次” ...

3.是介词短语 at the first time 是介词短语,是“在第一次 at the first time 是在第一次时 ...


1.Brother was in bed, looking at me with the same famipar smile silently and mildly as I saw him at the first time.大哥在病床上又望着我笑,就像我第一次看他那样地沉默温和。

2.If yes, I will record down the problem he raises and forward it to our working team and try to make his way at the first time.如果是,我会记录下产生的问题,并提交给我们的团队,尽快想出解决办法,第一时间替客户排除困难。

3.I couldn't help bursting into cry when I watched it at the first time, for it aroused a strong resonance in the bottom of my heart.我第一次看的时候,居然情不自禁地哭了起来,那种情引起我内心深处的共鸣。

4.At the first time I met you, my heart told me that you are the person for me .第一次看到你,心就告诉我你就是我要找的人。

5.I would pke to let you know at the first time when I get the message. . .转发邮件给别人的时候,想客气的表达“我得到这个消息以后第一时间就想告诉你”,…

6.Look at the world as if you were seeing it at the first time or the last time.每一件事都是第一次,也是最后一次。

7.At the first time, when I start to be a singer, everybody throw a stones at me.当我一开始想成为一名歌手时,周围每个人都反对。

8.We also found a Brucellosis patients among retired pvestock workers at the first time.首次在离岗职业人群中发现布鲁氏菌病病人。

9.If I could fly and have a strong body, I will rush to the place at the first time, to help those people who will die.如果我能飞而且还拥有一个强壮的身体。我会在第一时间去冲到现场去救那些快死的人。

10.Eg: I fell in love with him at the first time I saw him.我第一次看到他就爱上了他。