




1.亚特兰特 Aurora( 奥若拉) Atalanta( 亚特兰特) Astrid( 阿斯特丽德) ...

2.阿塔兰忒 乌迪内斯队——乌甸尼斯 Udinese 亚特兰大队——阿特兰大 Atalanta 皇家社会队-皇家苏斯达- Real …

4.亚特兰塔 ... 1992年 25 西班牙 巴塞罗那 Barcelona 1996年 26 美国亚特兰大 Atalanta 2000年 27 澳大利亚悉尼 Sydney ...

6.亚特兰大行动计画 Astrid 爱思翠德 Atalanta 亚特兰德 Athena 雅典娜 ...

8.女猎人阿塔兰特女猎人阿塔兰特 (Atalanta);而卡斯托尔及波吕丢刻斯亦有参与这次盛事。


1.If you were ready to go on the pitch for some minutes at Bergamo against Atalanta, now at Cagpari you can play from the first minute?如果你准备好在贝尔加墨对亚特兰大的比赛中出场,现在你能在卡利亚里的比赛中首发么?

2."I thank the president of Atalanta, he made me feel important, but he's not the only one" , he said.我感谢亚特兰大的主席,他对我来说很重要,但他不是唯一的一个。

3.Christian Vieri is celebrating his return to training with Atalanta and next week could play his first game in a year .克里斯蒂安维耶里正在庆祝他重新回到亚特兰大的训练场上,下个星期他将能参加他今年的第一场比赛。

4.The next thing for Ronaldo to do as a regular national player was to win the gold medal at the 1996 Olympic Games in Atalanta.他接下来要做的是,作为一名国家队球员,去赢得996年亚特兰大举办的奥林匹克金牌。

5.Paloschi's dynamism troubled the Atalanta defence, but with a classic counterattack Atalanta came close to scoring a third goal.帕洛斯基的活力给亚特兰大的防线制造了麻烦,但是亚特兰大经典的反击几乎打进第三球。

6.We had two or three more chances against Atalanta , whereas they only had one and scored from the penalty spot.我们至少有两个或三个非常好的机会进球,从而彻底击败亚特兰大,而他们只能靠一个点球得分。

7.Atalanta could make things difficult for us, they are a young team who play well, although they have not made many points so far.亚特兰大是支年轻的队伍,尽管现在积分比较低,但踢地好事不错,可能会给我们制造困难。

8.Another of Milan's shot-stoppers, Ferdinando Coppola, has been loaned out to Atalanta after spending last season at Piacenza.米兰的另一名门将,科波拉在皮亚琴察度过一年之后,将会被租借到亚特兰大。

9.The keeper who pmped off the field in the game against Atalanta suffered from great pain in his thigh.他在对阵亚特兰大的比赛中忍受着大腿的剧烈疼痛。

10.The Greek striker, who transferred to Inter last summer, joins Atalanta on loan until the end of the season.这位今夏加盟国际米兰的希腊前锋的租借期直到本赛季结束。