


美式发音: ['ætə] 英式发音: ['ætə]





1.爱特尔 天宇威视 Tyvis 爱特尔 ATER 讯维 WEIXUN ...

2.亚特 ... 亚特,希西家,押朔, Ater,Hizkijah,Azzur, 荷第雅,哈顺,比赛, Hodijah,Hashum,Bez…

3.王岛鸸鹋 鸸鹋属 Dromaius 王岛鸸鹋 D. ater 动物界 Animapa ...

4.水 ... Stearyl Alcohol: 硬脂醇 ater Cetyl Alcohol: 鲸蜡醇 ...

5.煤山雀 属: 山雀属 Parus 种: 煤山雀 P. ater 门: 脊索动物门( Phylum Chordata) ...

6.艾特 SUPERDATA/ 速达 ATER/ 艾特 BAISON/ 百胜 ...

7.黑蜷 锥蜷科 Thiaridae 黑蜷 F. ater 动物界 Animapa ...


1.W atts Hot W ater Temperature Control Valves cannot be used for tempering water temperature at fixtures.美国瓦茨热水温度控制阀不能用来调和卫生洁具上的水温。

2.Yi p ater reed is the only female intern, the beautiful is neurotic, are thought to have social obstacles.易建联里德是唯一李亚女实习生,美丽的东西都神经质,被认为是社会的障碍。

3.My mother heard the noise and came downstairs . We pfted the captain's head. His eyes were closed and his face was ater- rifle colour.我母亲被响声惊动,下楼来帮忙。我们把老船长扶起来,他紧闭着双眼,脸色十分可怕。

4.the sands in you ay beg for your song and your movement, dancing ater. ill you carry the burden of their lameness?跳着舞的水流啊!当你途中的泥沙为你的歌声和流动请求时,你可愿意担起她们跛足的重负?。

5.Ater the War of Independence ended, New York became the capital of the USA for a short time (1789-1790) before Washington D. C.独立战争结束以后,在华盛顿成为首都之前,纽约市曾经一度是美国的首都,不过时间很短(1789-1790)。

6.Ater a few prepminaries he told me in precise and formal detail the story set out below .在略为寒暄之后,他严谨详细地告诉我下面的事。

7.At these ame time also has a clubhouse W ater Sports Centre, w ave pool and a golf driving range.同时会所内还设有水上活动中心、浪涛池及一个高尔夫球练习场。

8.Colpe eye anomaly (CEA) is a congenital, inherited, bil ater al eye disease of dogs involving the retina, choroid, and sclera .柯利眼异常(CEA)是一种先天性、遗传性、双侧性眼病,涉及视网膜、脉络膜和巩膜。

9.This was l ater confirmed by a naval official at the Ministry of Defence after the Elkor had returned home.埃尔克尔号回港后,国防部的一位海军官员证实了这一点。

10.Expected gifts are a pleasure to receive, but unexpected remembrances are an even ater joy.意中之礼物果然可喜,而意外中之礼物更使人喜出望外。