





2.敦的忌日, 异端组织死者的亲属, 包括在花店工作的阿 (Atsushi), 游泳教练阿胜 (Masaru), 白领男生阿实 (Makoto), 教师纪代香 (…

3.淳史 ... 爱呢 S.H.E 放浪兄弟 ATSUSHI 那不是雪中红 JPM ...

5.笃士吾闻渠等之歌矣。 子知放浪兄弟之笃士(ATSUSHI )哉?--User:林可イ尔イ门(talk)


1.Back in early March, TSE president Atsushi Saito said the group was pondering some kind of combination with the derivatives-focused OSE.今年3月初,东京证交所总裁齐藤惇(AtsushiSaito)表示,该集团正考虑与专注于衍生品的大阪证交所进行某种形式的合并。

2.Atsushi Shishito sat in a daze on the concrete foundation of his home, now completely washed away. He sleeps at an evacuation center.不知所措的坐在他家的现在没有完全冲走的水泥地基上,他睡在一个避难中心里。

3.But destiny can have a dark side to it, too, and a shocking revelation from both of their pasts compels Atsushi to pull away from Mei.但是,命运可以有黑暗的一面,从他们的过去令人震惊的启示击败美。

4.The second visit to retrieve Atsushi's remains when about 40 cm of his leg was identified among the twisted debris three months later.第二次是取回淳史的遗体。袭击三个月后,淳史约40厘米长的一截小腿在扭曲的废墟里被找到了。

5.'Without any foreign direct investment, we cannot maintain reasonable growth, ' said Atsushi Saito, president of the Tokyo Stock Exchange.东京证券交易所社长齐藤敦(AtsushiSaito)说,在没有任何外国直接投资的情况下,我们无法保持合理的增长。

6.Atsushi Saito, president of the Tokyo Stock Exchange, appealed for calm after the panicked selpng of Japanese shares.东京证交所总裁齐藤惇(AtsushiSaito)在市场恐慌性抛售日本股票之后,呼吁市场冷静。

7.Mr. Atsushi Matsumoto, Director of Disaster and Safety Information Center, News Department, NHK.松本敦先生,日本NHK新闻部灾难与安全信息中心主任。

8.Newly elected mayor, appeal for resolution On Sunday, voters in Ginowan elected Atsushi Sakima as their new mayor.星期日,宜野湾市选民选出了他们的新市长佐喜真淳。

9.Atsushi Miura, an expert on the issue, says hostessing will be popular among Japanese women as long as other well-paying jobs are scarce.三浦展,一位这方面问题的专家,说陪酒工作将在日本女性中越来越流行,因为其他如此高收入的工作十分稀少。

10."This is a big one, " Atsushi Saito, the 71-year-old president of the Tokyo Stock Exchange, told the Financial Times as the quake struck.“这是个大地震,”东京证交所首席执行官、71岁的齐藤惇(AtsushiSaito)告诉英国《金融时报》。