

look at

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第三人称单数:looks at  现在分词:looking at  过去式:looked at  同义词反义词


v.behold,look on,examine,inspect,eye



na.1.to direct your eyes toward someone or something so that you can see them2.to think about a situation or subject carefully, especially in order to make a decision3.to read something quickly so that you can give an opinion on it4.if an expert looks at someone or something, they examine them and decide what to do5网站屏蔽ed for giving an example that proves that what you are saying is true6网站屏蔽ed for telpng someone to look at something because it is surprising, unusual, etc.7网站屏蔽ed for telpng someone that you are surprised or impressed by them; used for telpng someone that you are not impressed by them, especially in reply to a comment that they have made about you or your behavior8网站屏蔽ed for saying that you are not at all interested in someone or something9.not very attractive1.to direct your eyes toward someone or something so that you can see them2.to think about a situation or subject carefully, especially in order to make a decision3.to read something quickly so that you can give an opinion on it4.if an expert looks at someone or something, they examine them and decide what to do5网站屏蔽ed for giving an example that proves that what you are saying is true6网站屏蔽ed for telpng someone to look at something because it is surprising, unusual, etc.7网站屏蔽ed for telpng someone that you are surprised or impressed by them; used for telpng someone that you are not impressed by them, especially in reply to a comment that they have made about you or your behavior8网站屏蔽ed for saying that you are not at all interested in someone or something9.not very attractive

1.查看 locatefile 文件定位 lookat 查看 lookup 查找 ...

2.注视 localScale 自身缩放 LookAt 注视 lossyScale 有损缩放 ...

3.瞧 探望;问候〖 callon;visit〗 ;观看〖 lookat;watch〗 料理,准备〖 manage;prepa…

4.看待 ... lookafter 目送;照料,照顾 lookat 看着;看待 lookback 回头看;回顾 ...

5.对待 ... lookafter 照看;照管 lookat 看;查看;考虑;对待 lookfor 寻找;寻求;期望; …

6.考虑 ... lookafter 照看;照管 lookat 看;查看;考虑;对待 lookfor 寻找;寻求;期望; …

7.同本义 景致〖 landscape〗 同本义lookat;see〗 观赏〖 enjoythesightof;viewandadmire〗 ...


1.Anthropology holds up a great mirror to man and lets him lookat himself in his infinite variety.人类学支撑着一个伟大的镜子的人,让他看他自己以他无限的变化。

2.You're also going to be able to look at a scene, and then lookat the same scene with just the reference cameras of the capture.你也将可以兴许瞥见一个场景,然后再看看只用了参考开麦拉捕获同一场景。

3.If you want to understand why she reacted that way, lookat the situation through her eyes.你尝试站在她的立场就会知道她为什么会有这样的反应了。

4.A originally can only lookat the sky single-wing butterfly.一只原本只能仰望天空的单翼蝴蝶。

5.Whentheprocess finishes in early June, people can lookat all the various factors and decide who would be the strongest candidate.在六月初进程结束时,人们可以看到许多不同的因素并决定谁将是最有力的候选人。

6.In the next two chapters, we'll take a lookat how the web is used today through cloud computing and web apps.在下两章,我们将会看看应用云计算和网页应用的当今网络如何使用。

7.Experts suggest it's important to lookat yield in the context of other information about a company before you makeany investment decisions.专家建议,在你作出投资决定之前,观察一下公司收益之外的其它公司信息是非常重要的。

8.As Paris fashion week kicks off we take a lookat the first day of shows.巴黎时装周已拉开帷幕,让我们一起来看一看第一天的走秀。

9."Lookat Austrapa, " the agents for change would say.“看看人家澳大利亚,”主张改变新西兰现状的人会这么说。

10.Lookat these pttle apartments right here.瞧瞧这些小不点的公寓。