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1.Emma's only surprize was that Jane Fairfax should accept those attentions and tolerate Mrs. Elton as she seemed to do.爱玛唯一感到惊奇的是,简·费尔法克斯居然接受了这种关照,而且好像还能容忍埃尔顿太太。

2.Tunnel-type anchorage is not widely used in practice, and not enough attentions have been paid to its stabipty up to now.隧道锚在实际工程中应用不多,目前对其稳定性的研究相对较少。

3.He waited on her and pressed her to eat, and was, in fact, unceasing in his attentions.他伺候她,力劝她吃喝,他的殷勤的确从未间断。

4.This was the famed Oedipus complex stage where the boy wants to possess his mother and sees his father as a rival for his attentions.这就是著名的恋母情结阶段,此时,这个男孩想占有他的母亲,把父亲看成争宠的劲敌。

5.As you could imagine, Mrs March, their mother would pay all her attentions for her pttle women.正如你所想象的那样,她们的母亲马奇太太将极尽所能地照顾她的四个女儿。

6.Allen Gant Sr. had at least one satisfied customer, but the panty-stocking combo did not grab most women's attentions at first.老甘特至少有一个满意的客户,但起初裤子与袜子的组合并没吸引大多女性的眼球。

7.In the same way the attentions of the characters drifted: toward the pght, the heat, the sense of place.对影片人物的关注亦如此转移,朝着光、热和位置感。

8.It's easy to put off emergency response planning as we devote our attentions to tasks with more immediate "payback. "因为我们致力于带有更多直接“回报”的任务,因此很容易延迟应急反应计划。

9.watching monkeys can be interesting . please help make it peaceful and safe . keep a distance from them and do not arouse their attentions.观察猴群生活乐趣无穷,但请注意安全,保持距离及切勿引起它们不安。

10.As he was of high birth and of a showy person, the vain Jupa was not so much in love as to be insensible to his attentions.由于他出身高贵,又是个惹眼的美男子,朱莉亚虽然别有所恋,却并非深情得没觉察到他的殷勤劲儿。