




1.阿提库斯 Scout 斯各特 Atticus 阿迪克斯 Jem 杰姆 ...

3.阿提格斯htheion)、戴奥尼索斯(Dionysos)及阿提库司Atticus)剧场等,虽历经破坏与风化;但留下的断柱残垣都能使人对古希 …

7.阿提克斯s)的赫维勋爵(Lord Hervey)以及笔名“阿提克斯”(Atticus)的艾狄生(Addison)的描写。


1.The book gets its title from something Atticus Finch was told in his childhood when his father gave him a gun.小说的名字来自于阿提克斯•芬奇幼年时他的父亲给他一支枪后所说的一席话。

2.Atticus Finch stands up for what is right and is not afraid to let his children see it.阿提克斯芬奇为正义挺身而出,也不怕让他的孩子看见不好的一面。

3.You are so lame. So unbepevably lame. I'm going out with Mr. Dick. Thursday night at Atticus. His name is Keith.你真差劲,差劲得令人难以置信。阴茎先生叫吉斯,我们周四晚有约会,在阿提克斯。

4.Well, just imagine if everyone did behave pke Atticus Finch in Alabama, or anywhere for that matter, in 1936.只需想象下,如果在阿拉巴马每个人都像阿提克斯这样办事,或者说在1936年的美国每个人都这样处事。

5.It tells the story of a young girl named Scout and her father, Atticus Finch, a lawyer.该书讲述了一位名叫斯科特的女孩和他当律师的父亲阿提卡斯芬奇的故事。

6.The narrator's father, Atticus Finch, has served as a moral hero for many readers and as a model of integrity for lawyers.对很多读者来说,叙述者的父亲阿迪克斯-芬奇是一名有道德感的英雄,也是正直律师的楷模。

7.And, of course, there is Atticus Finch, the lawyer who offers reason, and kindness, and some thin hope.当然了,书里还有阿提克斯.芬奇,一名给人带来理性,友善和一些微弱希望的律师。

8.Jem: Atticus says cheating a black man is ten times worse than cheating a white.詹姆:艾蒂科斯说欺骗一个黑人比欺骗一个白人要坏十倍。

9.Atticus, some say, fell short.有人认为阿提克斯仍存在不足。

10.Greeks still use some ancient sites, such as the Pnyx and the Theater of Herodes Atticus.希腊人仍在使用一些古代的场所,如普尼克斯和希罗德•阿提库剧场。