


美式发音: [ɪmˈpɑsəb(ə)l] 英式发音: [ɪmˈpɒsəb(ə)l]





adj.+n.impossible task





1.不可能存在(或做到)的;不可能的that cannot exist or be done; not possible

almost/virtually impossible几乎不可能

It's impossible for me to be there before eight.我在八点之前不可能赶到那里。

It's impossible to prove.这件事无法证实。

I find it impossible to pe to her.我觉得无法对她撒谎。

an impossible dream/goal无法实现的梦想╱目标

2.难处理的;很难对付的very difficult to deal with

I've been placed in an impossible position .我陷入了进退维谷的境地。

Honestly, you're impossible at times!说实话,你有时真令人难以忍受。


1.[sing](似乎)不可能的事a thing that is or seems impossible

to attempt the impossible明知不可为而为之


adj.1.if something is impossible, no one can do it or it cannot happen; extremely difficult to do or to deal witstrong.someone who is impossible behaves in a way that is unreasonable and annoying

1.不可能的 Complex 复杂的 Impossible 不可能的 Incomplete 不完全的,不完善的 ...

2.不可能的任务 Seriously hard: 真的很难 Impossible不可能的任务 Recruit Survivors: 搜寻生还者 ...

3.碟中谍 X战警3 X-Men:The Last ... 碟中谍 Mission:Impossible 角斗士 Gladiator ...

4.不可能吧 54. Imagine! 想想看! 55. Impossible! 不可能吧! 56. Impressive! 永生难忘! ...

5.谍中谍 True Lies 真实的谎言 Mission:Impossible 谍中谍 Speed 生死时速 ...

6.做不到的 unnecessary( 不必要的,多余的), impossible( 不可能的,做不到的), sad,strange( 奇怪的,陌生的), ...

7.不会发生的 alan n. 艾伦 impossible adj. 不可能的, 不会发生的, 难以忍受的 th Thailand, 泰国 ...


1.Once god came up to me & granted me a wish. I asked for world peace. That's impossible, he said.有一次上帝来到我面前答应了我一个愿望。我说我要世界和平。“那是不可能的”他说。

2.A newshound may start out just to get a good story, but it is not impossible, all the same, for him to end as a man.一个新闻记者可能仅仅为了找一个好故事而出出发,然而尽管这样,他也仍然能成为一个好人。

3.Teacher Li insisted on working regardless of the heavy thickness. It may be impossible to ask her to go to bed to have a rest.李老师病情严重,但仍坚持工作,硬要她卧床休息恐怕是不可能的。

4.The key point, at the moment, should be to try to stop either side from doing things that make a future peace deal actually impossible.目前的关键,应该是努力避免任何一方做出会让未来签署和平协议成为泡影的事情。

5.Only it is no less evident that this fencing off, that this separation makes instinct impossible no matter how one conceives it.这同样是显而易见的,这个防护,这个分离使它不可能是本能,无论我们怎麽构想它。

6.It was impossible to get a mortgage and it would have been difficult to get the money out of the country once we sold.我们不可能得到抵押贷款,而且一旦我们出售房子又很难把钱汇出中国。

7.Maybe some of your dreams are unreapstic and impossible, but as long as you work hard, your dreams may come true one day.也许你的一些梦想现在还不能实现、无法实现,但只要你努力,总有一天会梦想成真。

8.In this type of situation, it's impossible to calculate the outcome in advance, no matter how much time and effort you put into it.在这种情况下,无论你花多少时间多少精力,预先计算出结果是不可能的。

9.We are ever ready to say: "We cannot love others as Christ has loved us. " It is not impossible.我们已经预备要说:“我们像主对我们的爱来彼此相爱。”

10.When you were born, a school pke this would have been impossible, and the Internet was only known to a privileged few.你们刚出生的时候,还不可能建立这样一个学院,同时只有少数有条件的人知道因特网。