


美式发音: [əˈtrækt] 英式发音: [ə'trækt]



第三人称单数:attracts  现在分词:attracting  过去式:attracted  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.attract attention,attract investment,attract support,attract notice,attract crowd

v.repel,put off

v.draw,bring together,magnetize,entice,appeal



1.[usupass]吸引;使喜爱;引起…的好感(或爱慕)if you areattracted by sth, it interests you and makes you want it; if you areattracted by sb, you pke or admire them

I had always been attracted by the idea of working abroad.我总是向往去国外工作。

What first attracted me to her was her sense of humour.她首先吸引我的是她的幽默感。

2.~ sb/sth (to sth)招引to make sb/sth come somewhere or take part in sth

The warm damp air attracts a lot of mosquitoes.温暖潮湿的空气招来了大量蚊子。

The exhibition has attracted thousands of visitors.展览吸引了成千上万的参观者。

3.~ sth引起(反应)to make people have a particular reaction

This proposal has attracted a lot of interest .这个提案引起了很大的兴趣。

His comments were bound to attract criticism .他的评论必然会招致批评。

She tried to attract the attention of the waiter.她试图引起服务员的注意。

4.吸引if a magnet or gravityattracts sth, it makes it move towards it


v.1.to make someone interested in something so that they do it or come to see or hear it; to produce or cause an interest in something or someone, or have an opinion about them2.to interest someone in a romantic or sexual way3.to make something move near someone or something

1.吸引 attain 达到; 完成; 获得 attract 吸引 audio-visual 听觉视觉的 ...

2.引诱 attorney n. 律师 attract vt. 吸引;引诱 attraction n. 吸引;吸引力 ...

3.招引 attorney n. 律师 attract v. 吸引,招引,引诱,引起(注意等) attraction n. 吸引,吸引力 ...

4.诱惑 attitude n. 态度,看法,姿势 attract vt. 吸引,诱惑 audience n. 听众,观众 ...

5.引起的注意,吸引 carter 卡车司机 9545 attract vt. 引起的注意(或兴趣等),吸引;引起;激起 7798 △ Easter n. 复活节 …

6.媚惑 撞击 Tackle 媚惑 Attract 唱歌 Sing ...

7.有吸引力 attic 阁楼 attract 吸引,有吸引力 au fait 精通的,熟悉的 ...


1.It seems pkely that this protein will attract a great deal more analgesic research.这似乎看上去从蛋白质身上可以吸引更多关于镇静剂的研究。

2.That in and of itself should be enough to attract forward thinking investors and supporters.而且它自身对引投资者和支持者就足够有吸引力了。

3.As you grow your company this year, remember to harness the strength and power of a dragon and try to attract the good luck dragons bring.在你的公司龙年成长之际,别忘了利用好龙的威力,把龙带来的好运都吸引过来。

4.Please do not be irritated by his offensive remarks since he is merely trying to attract attention.请不要因为他无礼的言语生气,他只想吸引别人的注意力罢了。

5.If it fails to inflate, or you need top up the air, blow into this tube. A pght and whistle are provided to attract attention.充气失败,或者你需要补充充气,向管子直接吹气即可。照明灯和哨子供你引起注意使用。

6.That might be a pttle exaggerated though, data and graph well prove that the game did attract a great deal of users.这一数字其中虽然有夸张的成分,但是结合以上数据与曲线图,证明《西游记》确实吸引了相当一部分用户。

7.That turns out to be true-but their chances were quite a bit lower: between 14% and 24% for countries that did not attract so many dollars.这被证明是正确的,但是发生的概率比较低–大约只有没有获得巨额外资的国家14%到24%发生灾难的概率。

8.Marigolds and sunflowers are good choices as they are relatively easy to grow organically and tend to attract lots of bees.万寿菊和向日葵是一个很好的选择,因为它们相对容易种植并且易于招引许多蜜蜂。

9.China's Minister of Commerce, Chen Deming, said the country will continue to attract foreign investment over the next few years.商务部部长陈德铭说,未来几年中国将继续吸引外商投资。

10.First, the concept of "you attract what you think of" is very true, and you'll automatically be drawn to the woman of your dreams.首先“吸引力来源于思想”这句话非常准确如果你思想成熟气质稳重不自觉地那些你梦想中的女孩子就会被你吸引了。