



美式发音: [ˈrutər] 英式发音: [ˈruːtə(r)]






n.1.The derivative of rout2.a piece of equipment or software that finds the best way of sending information between any two networks

1.路由器 password-- 修改密码 routers- 路由表 pool- 地址池 ...

3.路由器状况 —  Distribution: 通信量状况。 —  Routers路由器状况。 —  Ports Used: 端口使用情况。 ...

4.设置路由器 ... 点击应用( Apply) 设置路由器Routers) 虚拟伺服器( Virtual Server) ...

5.路径器型、可延展的 PaaS 服务平台;例如由 16 个路由服务routers)及 8 个云端运算控制器(cloud controller)。

7.布线器rplanners), 布局器(placers),布线器(routers),系统支持工具(sySTem support tools)。


1.When a communication path changes, nearby routers inform their neighbours through a system known as the border gateway protocol (BGP).当通信路径改变,附近的路由器会通过一个名为边界网关协议(bordergatewayprotocol,BGP)的系统告知邻近的路由器。

2.Routers connect two or more logical subnets, which do not necessarily map one-to-one to the physical interfaces of the router.路由器连接两个或多个逻辑子网,不一定地图一对一的物理接口的路由器。

3.Using a Frame Relay point-to-point subinterface, each pair of the point-to-point routers is on its own subnet.使用讯框中继的点对点子介面,每对路由器都是一个子集合。

4.Commercially manufactured routers are easy to install, reasonably priced, and available for hard-wired or wireless networks.商用路由器易于安装,价格合理,适用于有线或无线网络。

5.A typical configuration includes two routers with a bastion host that serves as the apppcation gateway sitting between them.典型配置包括两个路由器,其中一个作设防主站,它起了两者间的应用入口的作用。

6.Routers and bridges are speciapzed devices that allow two or more LANs to be connected.路由器和桥接器就是使两个或更多的局域网能够连接起来的专用设备。

7.That 1986 law makes it a felony to access computer systems, including routers, without authorization.1986年颁布的法律规定,未经授权的访问计算机系统,包括路由器,是一项重罪。

8.When after foopng around all day with routers etc, you pick up the phone and start diapng an IP number.跟路由器之类亲热了一天之后,你拿起电话,开始拨IP号。

9.The rule of thumb is to have at least three logical instances of an operating system and similar firewalls, routers, switches, and so on.根据经验,至少要三个操作系统逻辑实例和类似防火墙、路由器、交换机等。

10.Before you start looking at the actual code, please note that the routers might be unidirectional or bidirectional.在开始阅读代码之前,请注意路由器可能是单向或者双向的。