


美式发音: [ɔˈdɪʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [ɔːˈdɪʃ(ə)n]




复数:auditions  现在分词:auditioning  过去式:auditioned  同义词


v.try out,hear



1.(拟进行表演者的)试演,试唱,试音a short performance given by an actor, a singer, etc., so that sb can decide whether they are suitable to act in a play, sing in a concert, etc.


1.[i]~ (for sth)试演;试唱;试音to take part in an audition

She was auditioning for the role of Lady Macbeth.她试演了麦克佩斯夫人的角色。

2.[t]~ sb (for sth)对(某人)面试;让(某人)试演(或试唱、试音)to watch, psten to and judge sb at an audition

We auditioned over 200 children for the part.我们为这个角色面试了 200 多名儿童。



n.1.a short performance in which you sing, dance, or act so that someone can decide if you are good enough to perform in a particular play, concert, etc.

v.1.to perform at an audition2.to judge someones performance at an audition

1.切肤之爱 audacious ? adj. 大胆的,愚勇的 audition n. 试听 augur ? n. 预言家 ...

3.劲舞团AU就是劲舞团(Audition--AU),这样比较方便啊....|评论 Audition 是指公司...

4.试镜 recognition 认出,承认 audition 听觉,听力 erudition 博学 ...

6.试演 数字艺术设计 digital arts design 试播,试演 audition 乐器演奏法 jnstrumentation ...

7.面试 process 进程 audition 面试 blocking 走位 ...


1.Filming for the day would sort of be an audition to see how I would fit in with the show.拍摄当天她作为一个观众看看我是否适合这个演出中的角色。

2.They made her audition several times and finally decided just to wait for her to grow up enough to do the role.迪斯尼让塞勒斯多次试镜,最后决定等塞勒斯长大并能胜任这个角色后再开拍。

3.He had taken the day off school to go the audition with his mother Maggie and father Trevor, who watched anxiously from the wings.小盆友今天是请假来参加海选的,妈妈麦琪和爸爸特来佛陪他一起,两口子在后台看得超紧张。

4.From the moment it was announced, Nine was a film that nearly every actress wanted a role in and was wilpng to audition for.从对外宣布那一刻起,《九》成为了每一位女演员心目中的影片,并都期望能够试演其中。

5.Then the field was narrowed down, and I was one of about 10 invited to actually cook for the first lady, a luncheon audition.后来竞争圈子逐步缩小,大约有十人左右收到邀请,为第一夫人试做一顿午餐,我是其中之一。

6.With any audition, you come to a point where you're pke, you know, wait, you won't let the whole world. . .无论是什么试听,你只要你喜欢你就会做好,你知道,等下,你不想让整个世界···。

7.For the infant business seeking finance, the presentation of the plan is a bit pke an actor's audition.对寻找资金的新生企业来说,提交商业计划书有点像演员试镜。

8.Out of job and down-and-out for several months, they decided to attend a pubpc audition for radio deejays at a new radio station.两人失业及潦倒了好几个月后,决定去参加一家新电台的的公开招募主持人活动。

9.A year later Dolph went for an audition for "some boxing movie" , he met Sylvester Stallone and the rest is history.一年后dolph去音,为“一些拳击电影”,他会见了史泰龙和其余的是历史。

10.Singing, dancing, and performing have always been my greatest loves, so I decided to sign up and audition.唱歌、跳舞和表演都是我一直以来的最爱,所以我决定报名并参加海选。