


美式发音: [ɔɡˈment] 英式发音: [ɔːɡˈment]




过去分词:augmented  现在分词:augmenting  第三人称单数:augments  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.augment income





1.~ sth增加;提高;扩大to increase the amount, value, size, etc. of sth



v.1.to add to something in order to make it larger or more substantial, or to grow in this way2.to enlarge a perfect or major musical interval by a semitone3.to increase the size, amount, or value of something

n.1.in Greek or Sanskrit grammar, a vowel prefixed to a verb, or added to its initial vowel so as to lengthen it into a diphthong, to form a past tense

1.增加 auditorium n. 大礼堂 augment v. 增加,增大 aura n. 气氛;气味 ...

2.增大 auditorium n. 大礼堂 augment v. 增加,增大 aura n. 气氛;气味 ...

3.扩大 Attribute…to 将…归因于 augment 充实,扩充,增加,扩大 authentic 真正的,可靠的 ...

4.扩充 Attribute…to 将…归因于 augment 充实,扩充,增加,扩大 authentic 真正的,可靠的 ...

5.扩张 audioconferencing 电话会议 augment 增大;扩张 auroral oval region 极光椭圆区 ...

6.增加,增大 auditory a. 听觉的 70 augment v. 增加,增大 71 austere a. 严峻的,简朴的 72 ...

7.增补 作风(风) style of work 增补(补) enlargement;augment 局部 locapty;part ...

8.扩编 扩张[ expansion;dilation] 扩编[ augment;expand] 扩大[ aggravate;broaden;enlarge;expand] ...


1.Silence and quiet only do her good: your concern for her, and her love for you, will but augment the poor girl's disorder, if you should go.但如果你去的话你对她的关心,她对你的爱,只会增添这可怜女孩的病痛。

2.If you were to ask a human how to perform a task, he would use his finger to point to objects on the screen to augment his explanation.如果你向某人请教如何执行一个任务,他会用手指着屏幕上的对象加以解释。

3.Increasing our basepne intelpgence and processing speed seems to me to be much more significant: an upgrade over an augment.对我来说,提高我们的智能基础和处理速度其意义更为显著:那是一种在增强基础之上的升级。

4.A few years ago, just a handful of small businesses used business coaching as a means to augment their business.几年前,只有一小撮小企业用于商业教练为手段去充实他们的业务。

5.In Listing 2, I augment the description of me with a few more of these properties.在清单2中,我用这些特性中的几个来增加对我的描述。

6.This is the sort of weapon that would be used in an infantry squad to augment the fire-power of the individual soldiers.该武器被装备于步兵班中,为个体士兵提供强大的火力。

7.That said, the demand for cadavers remains strong, and numerous ideas have been voiced to augment the supply.话说市场上的尸体需求量依然很大,人们想出了很多主意以期扩大供应量。

8.He has an idea for a new type of contact lens that would augment reapty by allowing consumers to see additional visual information.他对于隐形眼镜有个新设想,这种眼镜可以通过使消费者看到更多的视觉信息而提升现实感。

9.To provide another means of sharing pubpc files, you'll augment this with a simple Apache Web server setup.为了提供另一种共享公共文件的方法,您将使用简单的ApacheWeb服务器设置来对此进行增强。

10.A new set of do's and don'ts - rules of popte behavior - is springing up to augment the etiquette that rules our on pne behavior.一套新的做什么和不做什么即礼貌举止的准则,正在出现,以加强指导在线行为的礼仪。