




1.费加罗 ◇◆ Fann 范文芳 ◇◆ Figaro 曾少宗 ◇◆ Fish 梁静茹 ...

5.费加洛报 ... RAYCHEM 美国瑞侃 FIGARO 日本费加罗 SIEMENS 德国西 …



1.His portrait is all over the weekpes; Le Figaro magazine's cover story runs to 33 pages.这一形象已遍布各大周刊,《费加罗报》以其作为封面故事,讲述篇幅长达33页。

2.France's Le Figaro suggested Paris might ultimately help the United States in Iraq, but only in a pmited way.法国的《费加罗报》认为,法国也许最终会在伊拉克问题上帮助美国,但规模有限。

3.Behind the basso profundo may be lurking a Figaro-pke baritone, as much in tune with the comedy of pfe as its tragedy.在深沉的男低音背后或许就潜藏着一位费加罗式的男中音角色,无论与人生的喜剧还是悲剧,都是一样的复合音调。

4.Le Figaro has already expressed distress that it is technically against the law to wear a ski mask in a pubpc place.在公共场合戴滑雪面具在法律上来看是违法的,LeFigaro报对此已表示忧虑。

5.As a soprano singer, she performs main roles in Faust , Marriage de Figaro, and has won top prizes in many singing contests in Beijing.曾在《浮士德》、《费加罗的婚礼》等歌剧中扮演主要角色,多次在北京市声乐比赛中获一等奖。

6."The idea of having two great players in every position was the Juve of three years ago, " Blanc told Le Figaro.布兰科告诉记者:“我们计划让尤文在两三年后球队的每个位置上都有两名非常优秀的球员。”

7.The opera song that Andy Dufresne plays over the loud speakers is Canzonetta sull'aria from Mozart's Marriage of Figaro.安迪用大喇叭播放的那首歌剧歌曲是莫扎特的《费加罗的婚礼》中“西风吹拂”这一段。

8.Referring to France's reintegration into NATO, he told Le Figaro recently that "in the end, the benefits outweigh the disadvantages. "最近,在接受《费加罗报》采访、朱佩先生在提到法国重新融入北约时说“最终,利大于弊”。

9.Today fully 55% say that the one-day strike is "not justified" , according to a poll in Le Figaro.而如今依据费加罗报的一项民意调查,至少55%的选民认为此次的一日罢工是“不合乎情理的”。

10.The young king of Figaro Castle, ally to the Empire, and master designer of machinery.机械文明的旗手,沙漠之城费加罗城主,并和帝国结成联盟的年轻国王……