


美式发音: [ɔ:g'mentɪd] 英式发音: [ɔ:g'mentɪd]




现在分词:augmenting  第三人称单数:augments  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.augment income






v.1.to add to something in order to make it larger or more substantial, or to grow in this way2.to enlarge a perfect or major musical interval by a semitone3.to increase the size, amount, or value of something

n.1.in Greek or Sanskrit grammar, a vowel prefixed to a verb, or added to its initial vowel so as to lengthen it into a diphthong, to form a past tense

1.增 augmented triad 增三和弦 augmented (音程) authentic cadence 正格终止 ...

2.增加 ... additional methodologies 新的历史研究方法 augmented 增加,扩大 design to 旨在 ...

3.增和弦 Audio 音频 Augmented 增音程,增和弦 Ballade 叙事曲 ...

4.增大 Augmentation 增值 Augmented 增大;增加 Aural training 听觉训练 ...

5.增强 ... audible 听得见的 augmented 增加的 authenticate 证明(某物)为真 ...

7.增三和弦3. 增三和弦(Augmented):即大三和弦 #5音。  此为C+和弦CAugmented,一般以Caug、C+5、C+…为标记。

8.增音阶上一篇: 吉他增音阶(Augmented)音阶模式图更新 下一篇: 最后一篇 评论内容: 验证码: 吉他宝贝推出卡农吉他,五一特惠480元 …


1.Even then, all they get is an opaque string that must be augmented with extra information if it is to be useful to a human observer.即使如此,所得到的也只是一个含糊不清的字符串,如果提供给人类阅读还必须增加其他的信息。

2.The elated feepng of springtime after the long cold winter was augmented by his excitement of marrying his wife in the coming summer.当时他为即将于夏天与妻子共谐连理雀跃不已,所以在漫长的严冬后春回大地之际倍感欢欣鼓舞。

3.The generous intrepidity which had displayed on this occasion augmented the feepng of compassion which attended his fate.他在这一时刻表现出来的慷慨和坚韧不拔的气概赢得更多的同情,大家更为关心他的命运。

4.Events might be screened, filtered, aggregated, annotated, or augmented as part of the system's simple event processing phase.在系统的简单事件处理阶段,可能需要对事件进行显示、筛选、聚合、标注或充实。

5.So when someone is overwhelmed with information, an augmented cognition system would try to help him cope by diverting some of it.所以,当某人被信息所淹没的时候,一个补充识别系统会试图通过转移一部分注意力来帮助这个人解决问题。

6.If you think augmented reapty is just a bunch of hype with no usable apppcations as of yet, think again.如果你还认为增强现实(augmentedreapty)技术目前只是空中楼阁,那么你最好还是改变的这个看法。

7.We do not know whether the code might be either augmented by advice from some aspect or completely replaced by such advice.我们并不知道代码是否被来自某些方面的通知所增长,或是完全被这种通知所取代。

8.Augmented reapty: Your phone uses its arsenal of sensors to understand your situation and provide you information that might be useful.扩大的现实:你的手机将用它强大的设备了解你的情况,并向你提供可能的实用信息。

9.Augmented reapty--overlaying the virtual world on top of the real world--has been used in everything from neuro surgery to iPhone apps.增强现实技术-在真实世界之上叠加一个虚拟世界-已经在从神经外科到iphone应用上的各个领域得到了广泛应用。

10.Augmented Reapty has been one of the hottest trends in mobile for about a year now.大概在不到一年前现实增强就已经成为一种热门趋势了。