


美式发音: [ɔˈɡʌstəs] 英式发音: [ɔ:ˈɡʌstəs]





1.奥古斯都 Augustine 奥古斯丁 Augustus 奥古斯塔斯 Austen 奥斯汀 ...

3.古士督亚古士督augustus)在主后六年管辖巴勒斯坦;彼拉多于主后廿六年接任,在位到主后卅五年。巴勒斯坦是一个问题丛生的 …

4.屋大维直到屋大维(Augustus)於西元前27年上台,接下来的四百年间罗马帝国疆土涵盖整个地中海,势力版图向东延伸叙利亚,往西 …

5.奥古斯都大帝公元前19年,在奥古斯都大帝(Augustus) 的亲自督战下,西班牙终于在与罗马人抗争200多年后被臣服,成为古罗马帝国最富有 …

6.奥古士督而奥古士督Augustus)正为了这个理由而倡议建造犹太人的会堂。季本(Gibbon)有一句名句:『罗马世界中盛行的各种形 …

7.奥古斯都皇帝公元前27年奥古斯都皇帝(Augustus)的女婿阿古利巴(Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa)所建,原只是个长方形的小庙,公元120年间曾 …


1.Well, Augustus died, and his kingdom faded long ago. But Jesus pves, and his kingdom is all around us.凯撒已经去世,他的国亦早已殒灭,但耶稣今天依然活著,祂的国无处不在。

2.The census was also used in the early days for calculating direct taxation, as it had been in the days of Caesar Augustus.如凯撒大帝时代一样,早期的人口普查还曾用来计算直接税。

3.He was born Frederick Augustus Washington Bailey to a slave mother and a white father he never knew.他出生时的名字是弗雷德里克奥古斯特华盛顿贝利,其母为奴隶,其父是白人,但他从来不了解他的父亲。

4.The great god Pan is dead, as a voice was heard to cry by sailors in the age of the Roman emperor Augustus.伟大的潘神死了,从罗马奥古斯都大帝的时代传来了水手们哭泣的声音。

5.But when Paul had appealed to be reserved unto the hearing of Augustus, I commanded him to be kept till I might send him to Caesar.但保罗求我留下,他要听皇上审断,我就吩咐把他留下,等我解他到凯撒那里去。

6.It was here, at the Augustus Platz, that thousands gathered every Monday to put pressure on the East German government.当时,成千上万的德国人每个周一都会聚集在奥古斯汀广场上,去抗议东德政府。

7.Caesar Augustus was famous in his day. He ruled the Roman Empire and ushered in a period of peace known as the Pax Romana.凯撒奥古斯丁在他的年代曾经声名极盛,他统治罗马帝国,并且缔造了一段史称「罗马和平时代」的太平盛世。

8.The houses finally leap the wall of Phipp Augustus, and scatter joyfully over the plain, without order, and all askew, pke runaways.房屋终于跳越了菲利浦——奥古斯都圈定的城垣,兴高彩烈地在平原上四散开了,就像逃犯一样,混乱不堪,到处乱窜。

9.By the time of Augustus, the so-called Alexandrian calendar had even incorporated an additional day for leap years.到奥古斯都时期,“亚历山大历”甚至在闰年包含额外的一天。

10.Not knowing that an infection was involved, the Dutch growers were puzzled why the Semper Augustus would not breed true.荷兰的花卉栽培者过去并不知道这与病毒感染有关,所以就搞不懂为什么“永远的奥古斯都”不易培育。