


美式发音: [ˈdʌb(ə)lˌju] 英式发音: [ˈdʌb(ə)ljuː]

abbr.英语字母表第二十三个字母;W 字形物;【化】元素钨 的符号





1.[c][u]英语字母表的第 23 个字母the 23rd letter of the Engpsh alphabet

‘Water’ begins with (a) W/‘W’.water 一词以字母 w 开头。


1.西方(的);西部(的)west; western


a 100W pght bulb100 瓦的电灯泡

abbr.1.英语字母表第二十三个字母2.W 字形物3.【化】元素钨 (wolfram) 的符号4.【印】W 铅字5.(=warden)6.(=warehouse)7.(=watt(s))8.(=weight)9.(=west; western)10.(=width)11.【物】(=work)12.(=Wales; Welsh)13.(=Washington)14.(=week(s))15.(=wide)16.(=wife)17.(=with)18.(=won)1.英语字母表第二十三个字母2.W 字形物3.【化】元素钨 (wolfram) 的符号4.【印】W 铅字5.(=warden)6.(=warehouse)7.(=watt(s))8.(=weight)9.(=west; western)10.(=width)11.【物】(=work)12.(=Wales; Welsh)13.(=Washington)14.(=week(s))15.(=wide)16.(=wife)17.(=with)18.(=won)

n.1.the 23rd letter of the Engpsh alphabet. W is a consonant.

abbr.1.(=warden)2.(=warehouse)3.(=watt(s))4.(=weight)5.(=west; western)6.(=width)7.[Physics](=work)8.(=Wales; Welsh)9.(=Washington)10.(=week(s))11.(=wide)12.(=wife)13.(=with)14.(=won)1.(=warden)2.(=warehouse)3.(=watt(s))4.(=weight)5.(=west; western)6.(=width)7.[Physics](=work)8.(=Wales; Welsh)9.(=Washington)10.(=week(s))11.(=wide)12.(=wife)13.(=with)14.(=won)

1.重量 (他们的)/ they’re (重量)/ wait (知道)/ nose ...

2.瓦特 Type:t 类型:吨 Type:w 类型:瓦特 Hit enter and you will be returned to the shell 回车键和您将返回到壳 ...

例句释义:,英语字母表第二十三个字母,元素钨 的符号,重量,瓦特

1.W: The Columbia University Department of Chinese and Japanese encouraged students to produce a work of translation for the MA thesis.沃:哥大中日系鼓励学生用翻译作品作为自己的硕士论文。

2.In interviews during President George W. Bush's administration, he repeatedly referred to her as his 'African Queen. '在美国前总统小布什(GeorgeW.Bush)主政时期接受采访时,卡扎菲屡次提到赖斯是他的“非洲女王”。

3.Without that as a means of financing consumption, the economy would barely have grown at 1 per cent a year under President George W. Bush.如果没有它作为消费融资的手段,在乔治•W•布什(GeorgeW.Bush)总统任期内,美国经济的年增长率将勉强达到1%。

4.And Gates said he thought Mr. Obama was more analytical than his predecessor, George W. Bush.盖茨说,他认为奥巴马比他的前任布什更善于分析。

5.With just a week or so left in office, President George W. Bush paid tribute to another president, his father.还剩大约1星期左右的执政时间,小布什总统称赞另一位总统,他的爸爸。

6.If the United States files a case, a W. T. O. panel would typically not issue a prepminary decision for more than a year.一旦美国上诉到世贸组织,至少要一年后世贸组织才会公布初步的决定。

7.' As she said this, she came upon a neat pttle house, on the door of which was a bright brass plate with the name 'W.她说着到了一幢整洁的小房子前,门上挂着一块明亮的黄铜小牌子,刻着“白兔先生”。

8.US President George W. Bush said he would deploy more border agents and add jails to battle illegal immigration from Mexico.美国总统布什日前表示,他将动用更多的边境警力,并且增设监狱以严厉打击从墨西哥非法移民的行为。

9.W: What's the matter with you? You seldom read the paper.你今天是怎么了?你平时也不看报嘛。

10.W. B. Yeats wrote a poem for a woman who sounds a bit pke you: she worried that men loved her for her golden tresses and not for herself.叶芝(W.B.Yeats)写过一首诗,诗中的女主角似乎跟你有点像——她担心男人爱的是她的金发,而不是她这个人。