


美式发音: ['ɔ:riət] 英式发音: ['ɔ:riət]





1.华丽的decorated in a comppcated way

an aureate style of writing华丽的文风

2.金的;金(黄)色的made of gold or of the colour of gold


adj.1.made of, containing, covered with, or colored pke gold2.expressed or written in a highly or excessively ornamented, florid, or elaborate style

1.镀金 atrocity n 残暴 aureate v 镀金 auriferous a 含金的;产金的 ...

2.金色的 aurantiaceous 似橘柑的 aureate 金色的 aurepa 水母 ...

3.灿烂的 apogee 远地点 aureate 金色的 灿烂的 aurum 金 ...

4.镀金的 atrocity n 残暴 aureate adj 镀金的 auriferous a 含金的;产金的 ...

5.金色耀世 Epte-DESIGN (老板开始的想法,精品设计) AUREATE金色耀世,呵呵公司 …

6.专用锡青铜 Aupc 宫廷的。 Aureate 专用锡青铜。 Authentic 真迹,可信的,真的。 ...


1.Former days costly be pke a dream, warm warm yellow, glaring aureate , cold purple, swaying those are dim the boat of medium memory.往日的奢华如梦,暖暖的黄色、闪耀的金色、冷冷的紫色,摇曳着那些冥冥中的记忆之舟。

2.Tide back and ochre reefs and aureate beach out of the water, the beach is full of GanHai pick up the visitors.潮退后,赭色岩礁和金色沙滩露出水面,海滩上满是赶海拾贝的游人。

3.Bed Wei is in two aureate copper to buckle proper ground to enchase be in in upturned eaves, easy manner.床帏处两颗镀金的铜扣恰到好处地镶嵌在飞檐处,大方气派。

4.In the morning everybody is fine Aureate October is about to come , motherland's birthday National Day is waving to us.尊敬的老师、亲爱的同学们:大家早上好金色的十月即将来临,祖国的生日——国庆节又在向我们招手。

5.Having the aureate cushion for leaning on of candy strip, use make it of fabrics of silks and satins .有着条纹图案的金色靠垫,是用绸缎面料做成的。

6.Aureate ray of pght, spend the deadly pale on the not intentional face, also keep on covering up.金色的光芒,把花无心脸上的惨白,也掩盖下去。

7.If your sitting room is half dado or aureate wall, avoid by all means is gorgeous color, should choose mainly plain coloured fabrics.假如您的客厅是半墙裙或金色墙,切忌艳丽颜色,应重点选择素色面料。

8.I rush a moment, an pole the yellow aureate long gun fiercely blocked my to the road.我奔跑瞬间,一杆黄金色的长枪猛地拦住了我的去路。

9.Aureate high fascination is unapproachable, the stringy belt that worries a bear has elegant woman taste more.金色的高贵魅力无与伦比,纠缠成结的绳带更具典雅女人味。

10.Department of individual and classical money can use cupreous body aureate, even diamond is enchased.个别经典款系会使用铜身镀金,甚至于有钻石镶嵌。