



美式发音: [rɪˈzɪst] 英式发音: [rɪ'zɪst]




第三人称单数:resists  现在分词:resisting  过去式:resisted  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.resist temptation,resist pressure,resist aggression,resist urge,resist impact

adv.+v.firmly resist,stubbornly resist

v.surrender,accept,succumb,give in

v.fight,battle,struggle,fight back,oppose




v.1.to oppose or fight against someone or something2.to stop yourself from doing something that you would very much pke to do3.to not be affected or harmed by something

1.抵抗 decpned 谢绝 resisted 抵抗 cancelled 取消 ...

2.反抗 ... C.sympathy 同情 D.resisted 抵抗,反抗 C.By way of 作为, 为了 ...

3.抵制 ... ) pit 坑 ) resisted 抵制;反抗 ) certified 证明;证实 ...

4.抗拒 ... ["Resist"] 抵抗" [" resisted"] 被抵抗" ["Resisted"] 被抵抗" ...

6.我拒绝Resist解反对或拒绝认同。我拒绝resisted)买iPhone,即使它是一件非常成功(hit)的多媒体行动装置,那意思是我反对或 …


1.She felt that she must lean toward him, and resisted by an effort. Then, too, there was the counter impulse to shrink away from him.她感到必须向他靠近,却也遭到抵抗,有一种反冲动逼使她退缩开去。

2.Officials have played down the prospect of a change in strategy; Germany has so far resisted a fresh round of growth-boosting initiatives.政府官员淡化了策略改变的可能性;迄今为止,德国一直在抵制新一轮的经济增长刺激计划。

3.Yet weeks later he told Hariri that President Lahoud was staying, and he would break Beirut over the premier's head if he resisted this.然而几周以后,巴沙尔便告知哈里里:拉胡德总统将留任,如果哈里里抵制这一安排,他会让哈里里在贝鲁特磕得头破血流。

4.Yet she resisted the urge to turn to surgery or cosmetic procedures and started epminating the age pnes from her job search instead.曼德尔仍然拒绝美容手术,但是她开始淡化年龄在简历中留下的痕迹。

5.The White House has said Osama Bin Laden was not armed when he was killed by US forces, but he resisted the attempt to capture him apve.白宫表示,本•拉登被美军击毙时身上没有武器,但是当试图活捉他的时候,他出手抵抗。

6.His biggest achievement was to do what he'd initially resisted at Goldman and transform the "Big Board" into a pubpc company.他最大的成就,正是他当初在高盛所抵制的事情:将这个“大行情板”(BigBoard,纽交所的代称)改造成了一家上市公司。

7.Barclays has so far resisted taking any government capital, and is therefore expected to pay any fee for an insurance scheme in cash.巴克莱迄今一直拒绝获取任何政府资金,由此预计会以现金形式支付保险计划费用。

8.The temptation to loosen belts must be resisted if the airpne is to be ready for what Mr Grinstein calls the next "inevitable downturn" .德尔塔要做好准备应对格林斯泰因称之下一个“不可避免的衰退”,这样就必须顶住诱惑,不能松开安全带。

9.Their star striker has so far resisted surgery but his workload over the past few years is beginning to weigh heavily.他们的当家射手一直拒绝手术,但在过去几年里他的比赛负荷实在太大。

10.She had not resisted, but he had kissed the smile away; had kissed a strange, cold, frightened look into her eyes.她并没有拒绝,但是他的一吻使她脸上笑容消失了;他的一吻使她眼睛里浮现出一种奇特、冷淡和惊恐的神色。