


美式发音: 英式发音: ['ɔːrəm]





1.金 aurous 亚金的 aurum auscultate 听诊 ...

2.黄金 Honey 蜜糖 Aurum 金色 Apricot 杏色 ...

4.奥拉姆公司 阿特公尺苏亚泉 Artemisua 奥轮泉 Aurum 蜂窝泉 Beehive ...

6.奥兰姆三月中旬,奥兰姆Aurum)出版社出版了《愚人节防范手册》(The Guardian Book of April Fool's Day)。卡洛琳‧梅尔汉姆 …

7.金钛极和今天所要介绍的金钛极(Aurum)系列,都享负盛名连鼎鼎大名的BeQuiet!德国品牌也全由全汉代工!好了~废话就说到这,让我们来 …

8.奥拉蒙  于民国六十二年春季所引进之血统有英国「奥拉蒙」(Aurum)系之二岁橘黄色类犬一只及菲来特(Wynwrigh)系一岁半橘黄 …


1.The decurions of every town had to scrape together gold which was presented originally in the form of crowns (aurum coronarium).每座城市的议事会长收集原先要做成王冠形的黄金。

2.I extend my sincere thanks and devotion to all the staff at the Aurum Care Centre, our donors, especially PEPFAR, visitors and famipes.我向奥兰姆护理中心的全体工作人员、我们的捐助者、特别是PEPFAR计划、前来看望的人们及家人表示真心感谢和致敬。

3.Lucky slowly started walking again and can now walk from his home to the Aurum Care Centre.拉基开始慢慢恢复走动,如今能从家里走到奥兰姆护理中心。

4.Copper and sulfur exist in sulfide. Usually aurum and argentine exist in copper ore mostly in enfoldment state .铜、硫是以硫化矿状态存在,金、银矿物多呈包裹体状态存在于铜矿物中。

5.I look forward to sharing my experience by counsepng other patients admitted to the Aurum Care Centre.我期盼向其他入住奥兰姆护理中心的病人提供咨询,介绍我的经验。

6.Others are buying gold; Ticino gold retailer Pro Aurum has seen a surge in sales of gold bars over the past six months.还有一些意大利人开始购买黄金,提契诺的黄金零售商ProAurum发现过去半年金条销量激增。

7.He was so frail he practically pmped into the Aurum Care Centre.他非常虚弱,几乎是一瘸一拐地走进奥兰姆护理中心的。

8.I was transferred from Soweto Hospice to the Aurum's care centre in June 2004.2004年6月,我从索韦托晚期病人收容所转到奥兰姆护理中心。

9.Determination of Trace Bismuth in Pure Aurum by Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectrometry石墨炉原子吸收光谱法测定纯金中痕量铋

10.Optical Emission Spectrometer Method for Aurum Determination纯金的光电直读法测定