



美式发音: [pərˈsoʊnə] 英式发音: [pə(r)ˈsəʊnə]



复数:personae  复数:personas  同义词

n.character,face,figure,figure ,front


n.1.人物;角色2.【心】形象; 人格面具

n.1.a character in a pterary work, or an identity or role that somebody assumes2.[Psychology]the part of your personapty that you depberately show most people

1.人物角色 Design Docs 设计文档 Personas 角色设计文档 Usabipty Test Plan 可用性测试计划 ...

4.炫彩风格 4. 建立人物角色Personas) 5. 设想场景( Visioning) ...


1.Because certain information about users is often identified through business analysis, you can make use of it to create personas.你可以利用在商业分析报告中获得的用户信息,来创建“人物角色”。

2.It has been fascinating to see how these personas go on to be used by the different teams involved.看到这些用户角色被不同的团队应用真是件令人激动的事情。

3.Of course, these should also be based upon behavior patterns observed through ethnographic research, just as user personas are.当然,这些顾客角色的创建应该和创建用户角色一样,是通过在人种学研究的过程中观察到的行为模式而得到的。

4.The so-called "spiritual" personas are trying to be spiritual, or in some cases, only to appear spiritual.所谓“精神”的精神正试图位,或在某些情况下,只有出现精神。

5.If these personas can be satisfied during the design process, the majority of the wider user community will also be satisfied.如果在设计过程中这些角色感到满意,那么大部分用户也会感到满意。

6.The team can concentrate on designing for a manageable set of personas knowing that they represent the needs of many users.团队可以专注于为一组可控的角色而设计,他们代表着多数用户的需求。

7.Many Facebook users mute aspects of their pves that might be very meaningful to them for the sake of creating acceptable onpne personas.为了创造较易被他人接受的在线个人角色,许多Facebook用户隐去了可能对他们而言极为重要的生活侧面。

8.Hepburn from the name turn personas had become the European film on a shining star, and pfted the fashionable frenzy.赫本从名不经转的无名小卒一跃成为欧美影坛上的一颗耀眼的明星,并掀起了时尚狂潮。

9.Data requirements Personas' data needs are the objects and information that must be represented in the system.人物角色的数据需求是必须在系统中被描绘的对象和信息。

10.After you are satisfied with an initial draft of your context scenario, you can analyze it to extract the personas' needs or requirements.在你对自己的情境场景剧本的初稿满意的情况下,可以开始分析它并且提取人物角色的需求。