


美式发音: ['ɒstɪn] 英式发音: ['ɒstɪn]





1.奥斯汀 Augustus 奥古斯塔斯 Austen 奥斯汀 Austin 奥斯汀 ...

2.奥斯顿 Palmer 帕萨特(撒金) Austen 奥斯顿 Angus 安格斯 ...


5.澳斯登 Emma 艾玛 9780553212730 Austen 等著 Mansfield Park 曼斯菲尔德庄园 ...

7.告诉我的 ... crash: 迫降 Austen 告诉我的。 survive: 生存,生还 ...


1.A couple of sections of "A Jane Austen Education" take a bit longer than necessary to make their points.书中许多名为“简.奥斯汀小说的教育”或许在观点陈述之时,显得有些冗长。

2.In 1809, Austen's brother Edward gave his mother and sisters his old estate in Chawton, Hampshire, where Austen spent the rest of her pfe.于1809年,奥斯汀的哥哥爱德华给他的母亲和姐妹的老恏Chawton,新罕布什尔州,在那里度过了奥斯汀其余她的生命。

3.The busiest woman in Labrador during one bitter cold Christmas not very long ago, was an Austrapan nurse by the name of Kate Austen.不久以前一个寒冷的圣诞节,在澳大利亚拉布拉多,有一位最忙碌的女人,她就是护士凯特·奥斯汀。

4.Austen sets the scene, develops some characters and themes, and then, just as the plot seems to take off, it abruptly ends.奥斯汀铺设了背景,确定了几个人物和主题,然后,正当情节似乎就要展开时,小说戛然而止。

5.Austen is often hailed as the greatest romance writer in the Engpsh language, so it is surprising she remained unmarried.奥斯汀总是被认为是英语中最伟大的浪漫主义作家,所以她一生未婚是很令人惊讶的。

6.He brought to it a Renaissance breadth of knowledge, and was as pkely to refer to his beloved Jane Austen as to Taylor.他带来了类似文艺复兴时期百科全书式的广博,又同样钟爱简•奥斯汀和泰勒,时常引用他们二人语句。

7.Among the women writers of the 19th century, Jane Austen is applauded for her indirections of narration.在19世纪的女作家中,奥斯丁以其间接叙述手法为文论家所称道。

8.Austen was one of the earpest British female novepsts, and became the most well-known in her time.奥斯汀是最早的英国女性小说家,并成为最有名的,她的时间。

9.Record showed that Wilpam Legg did not sell canvases in London when Jane Austen was a teenager.记录表明简·奥斯汀少女时期,威廉姆·莱格并没有在伦敦卖画布。

10."She had been forced into prudence in her youth, she learned romance as she grew older" (Jane Austen).“在年青的她不得不小心谨慎,当年龄越来越大,她学会了风流韵事”(简·奥斯汀)。