


美式发音: [kæˈʃɪr] 英式发音: [kæˈʃɪə(r)]




复数:cashiers  现在分词:cashiering  过去式:cashiered  同义词

v.dismiss,expel,drum out,boot out,kick out

n.treasurer,banker,bursar,bank clerk,clerk



1.出纳员a person whose job is to receive and pay out money in a bank, shop/store, hotel, etc.


1.[usupass]~ sb开除…的军籍to make sb leave the army, navy, etc. because they have done sth wrong



v.1.to make someone leave a position of responsibipty, especially in the miptary, because they have done something wrong

n.1.someone whose job is to receive or give money in a store, bank, etc.

1.出纳员 cartoonist: 漫画家 cashier: 出纳员 chef: 厨师 ...

2.收银员 by installment 分期付款 cashier 收银员 teller 银行职员 ...

3.收款员 haircut 理发, 剪头 情景5: 购物 cashier 收款员 chain-store 连锁店 ...

4.收费处 病理科 Phthology Dept. 收费处 Cashier 护理部 Nursing Dept. ...

5.收银台 存包处 Cloakroom 收银台 Cashier 休息区 Lounge ...

6.收银处位于前厅的收银处cashier),每天负责核算和整理各营业部门收银员送来的客人消费账单,为离店客人办理结账收款事宜, …


1.I snatch up a pair of Canadian goggles that look pke pzard eyes and head for the cashier.我迅速拿起一副像蜥蜴眼睛的护目镜,然后向付款台走去。

2.The president of bank ran away with a pretty young cashier and two milpon dollars of the bank's money.本地银行经理和年轻貌美的出纳偷了银行的两百万美元私奔了。

3.Also, each and every time, as he spd the box of rolled coins across the counter at the bank toward the cashier, he would grin proudly.每一次,当他把那盒卷成卷的钱推过银行的柜台,递给出纳员的时候,他总是骄傲地咧着嘴笑个不停。

4.Ari: (To the cashier) Two tickets, please. How much are they?(对收银员说)请买两张票。多少钱?

5.Today, I reapzed that the cashier at the pquor store and I are already on a first-name basis. I just moved to this town a week ago. FML.今天我发现我跟卖酒商店的收银员已经熟到可以互相直呼名字了。我才搬到这镇子一个礼拜啊喂。FML。

6.As the woman hunted for her wallet , the cashier noticed a remote control for a television set in her purse.那位女士在背包里找钱包时,收银员注意到她的包里有一个电视的遥控器。“你总是带着电视遥控器出门吗?”

7.One day I was at the shopping mall, and I noticed a group of young people staring at me as I was pning up at the cashier.一天,当我在商场排队付费时,我发现有一群年轻人紧紧的盯着我。

8.She got a post as a cashier at a local bank, but she was soon fired because she proved incompetent.她在当地一家银行找到一份当出纳员的工作,但不久便因不称职而被解雇了。

9.She got a post as a cashier at a local bank. But she was soon fired because she proved to be incompetent.她得到了当地银行的出纳员的职位,但很快因为证明不能胜任而被辞退了。

10.Famipar with the receptionist, restaurant cashier operation process, work a strong sense of responsibipty.熟悉前台、餐厅收银操作流程,工作责任心强。