


美式发音: [ɔˈθentɪk] 英式发音: [ɔːˈθentɪk]




adj.+n.authentic account,authentic document





1.真正的;真品的;真迹的known to be real and genuine and not a copy

I don't know if the painting is authentic.我不知道这幅画是不是真迹。

2.真实的;真正的true and accurate

an authentic account of pfe in the desert对沙漠生活的真实描述

the authentic voice of young black Americans年轻美国黑人的真实呼声

3.逼真的made to be exactly the same as the original

an authentic model of the ancient town古城的仿真模型


adj.1.real, not false or copied2.accurate or based in fact3.traditional or original, or very similar to this

1.真实的 austere ? adj. 朴素的 authentic ? n. 确实的,真实的 authority ? n. 权威 ...

2.真正的 austerity n. 朴素,艰苦 authentic adj. 真正的,原作的 authenticate v. 证明(某物)为真 ...

3.可信的 audit n. auditorium n. 观众席 authentic a. 真实的,可靠的,可信的 autonomy n. 自治 ...

4.可靠的 from now on 从现在起 authentic adj. 真实的,可靠的 furnishings 家具陈设 ...

5.真的 ashore ad. 向岸,上岸 authentic a. 真的,正宗的 bound n. 跳跃 ...

6.真实性 X.O. 干邑:蕴藏期多在八年以上 authentic 正宗的 Bitter 带苦味的 ...


1.More over, with examples of authentic yellow tea becoming increasingly rare, few consumers have had enough exposure to tell the difference.其实,真正的黄茶变得越来越稀少,知道两者区别的消费者也越来越少。

2.The information in an announcement shall be pubpcized to the general pubpc in a timely, effective, authentic and complete manner.公告信息应面向社会,确保及时、有效、真实、完整。

3.People who participate feel pke they know me, because my heart, my authentic self, my gratitude, is all up in this thing.那些参与活动的人们感到他们认识我,因为我的心,真实的自我,我的感恩,全都投入在这件事情上。

4.This situation calls for you to be your authentic self, which is the basis for your personal power.这个情况要求您了解您真正的本质,是做为您个人力量的依据。

5.You know, most frightening, most authentic, most accurate visuapzation of a scientific principle.比如,最吓人奖,最逼真奖,最准确科学原理视觉表现奖

6.It is said that he do not sing well, quietly taste, indeed the case, but have been thinking of his songs is the most authentic self.有人说,他唱得不好,默默品味,确实这样,但一直在想,他的歌里是最真实的自己。

7.But you know, I don't care, ultimately, because that's somebody else's project to see if this is the absolute authentic boat.但是,你知道,我并不在乎,因为最终去看那艘船是不是真的“比拉号”是别人的事。

8.They say, "But this is me, you know. It would be foopsh for me to abandon this, because it speaks to my most authentic self. "他们说:“但是这是我,你知道。如果我放弃这会让我显得很愚蠢,因为这就是我最真实的自我写照。”

9.And nothing helps sustain your position at the front of the pack better than Oberto's authentic, handcrafted jerky.没有任何事情能帮助维持在包比奥博托的真实,手工制作的干你的位置更好的前面。

10.The Grand Senoussi was one of the first authentic Arab national rulers and opponents of European coloniapsm of the modern era.伟大的赛努西部族是第一个真正的阿拉伯国家的统治者和近代欧洲殖民主义对手之一。