


美式发音: [her] 英式发音: [heə(r)]



复数:hairs  搭配同义词

adj.+n.long hair,red hair,brown hair,white hair,short hair

v.+n.cut hair,comb hair,do hair,dye hair,brush hair




1.[u][c]毛发;(尤指)头发the substance that looks pke a mass of fine threads growing especially on the head; one of these threads growing on the body of people and some animals

fair/dark hair浅色头发;黑发

straight/curly/wavy hair直发;鬈发;波浪发

to comb/brush your hair梳头

I'll be down in a minute. I'm doing(= brushing, arranging, etc.) my hair .我马上就下来。我在梳头呢。

I'm having my hair cut this afternoon.我今天下午要去理发。

body/facial/pubic hair体毛;脸毛;阴毛

There's a hair in my soup.我的汤里有根毛。

The rug was covered with cat hairs.地毯上净是猫毛。

2.有…毛发(或头发)的having the type of hair mentioned



3.[c](植物叶、茎上的)茸毛a thing that looks pke a fine thread growing on the leaves and stems of some plants


n.1.the mass of thin fibers that grows on your head; hair that grows on other parts of the body; the hair that grows from an animals skin; a single piece of hair

1.头发 improve 改进;改善 hair 头发;毛发 curly 卷曲的;卷毛的 ...

2.毛发肤研究部部长、安全性研究部部长。毛发各自都有独立的寿命,反复着成长和脱落、新生的过程,这就是毛周期毛发(hair)是 …

3.发型(Hairstyles) 画报 http://taobao.mf08s网址被屏蔽/ 发型 http://hair.mf08s网址被屏蔽/ 时装 http://dress.mf08s网址被屏蔽/ ...

4.发饰 首饰盒 Jewelry box 发饰 Hair 项链 Necklace ...

5.自由发则福边界」(The Edge of Glory)、「自由发则」(Hair)、「夜的嫁衣」(Marry the Night)、「血腥玛莉」(Bloody Mary…

6.茸毛 弱毒: Cloning 茸毛hair 热烘: stoving ...


1.At times, with her fake blonde hair and exaggerated wiggle of her hips, she seems more pke a grisly drag queen than a real woman.那时她戴着金色假发,屁股扭得很夸张,像是男扮女装。

2.I saw a boy up in one of the trees. He had red hair and looked about two years older than me.我看见苹果树上坐着个男孩,长着一头红发,看起来比我大两岁左右。

3.Ear seems to wind on the sound, very slow, washed up the hair on the temples, sometimes ripppng in the Pathetic gown.耳边似乎有风拂过的声音,很缓,飘起了鬓发,时而翻飞着青衫长衣。

4.said the man with black hair, Eron, who was standing at the door with sober smiles in his black eyes.伊伦站在门口,黑发黑瞳里还是清醒的笑意:“就等你呢,莱娜。”

5.She had long blonde loose curled hair with parts of the front pulled back and pinned together with a blue clasp.她长着金黄色卷曲松散与前面部分的头发拉回来,固定用蓝色扣在一起。

6.My wife, who's a hair stypst, said, "If you let us off with a warning, I'll give you a free haircut for a year. "我的妻子是一个发型设计师,于是她就对警察说,“如果你让我们免于警告,我就为你免费理发一年。”

7.We also found that the hair folpcles were readily accessible normal tissue for control, were easy to obtain, and were non-invasive.我们也发现头发滤泡是很方便且不经侵袭性过程,容易取得之正常对照组织。

8.On may 20, I made him up to look older, accentuating the pnes beneath his eyes, graying his hair, adding an unkempt mustache.5月20日,我把他化得老一些,眼下皱纹加重,头发染灰,两撇凌乱的小胡子,穿着ElAl制服。

9.Ah you say art, art of what you know, the hair from a non-spp coated with a yellow autumn you artists you, you have to feather friends.你丫说艺术,懂艺术么你,把自个头发涂个黄不溜秋的你就艺术家啦,就得瑟啦。

10.She sounded breathless and kept patting her hair. "We'll be able to see him in a minute. . . . "她呼吸急促,不停地拍着头发。“我们一会儿就能见到他了……”