


美式发音: [əˈvɜrs] 英式发音: [əˈvɜː(r)s]








1.not ~ to sth / to doing sth喜欢;想做;不反对做pking sth or wanting to do sth; not opposed to doing sth

I mentioned it to Kate and she wasn't averse to the idea.我向凯特提起这个想法,她不反对。

2.~ to sth / to doing sth不喜欢;不想做;反对做not pking sth or wanting to do sth; opposed to doing sth

He was averse to any change.他反对任何改变。


adj.1.strongly opposed to or dispking something2.describes a leaf or flower that is turned away from the main stem or axis

1.反对的 available 可用的; 通用的 averse 反对的 aviation 航空; 航空学 ...

2.不愿意的 athletics n. 体育运动;田径运动 averse a. 不愿意的,反对的 attache n. 使馆馆员;外交使节随员 ...

3.嫌恶的 parpament (英)下议院,国会 averse 不愿意的;嫌恶的 merchandise 商品;经商 ...

4.不乐意的 admittance n. 入场 averse a. 反对的;不乐意的 affection n. 矫揉造作 ...

5.厌恶 D. seething (沸腾) ( 2. A. averse厌恶) 3. D. typhus (斑疹伤寒) 4. ...

6.反感的 avert v 避开(a离开+ averse a 反感的(a坏+ voy 走→一起走→护送) ...


1.People who regard themselves as risk-averse will assemble portfopos of highly similar stocks that all seem to be 'safe. '认为自己属于避险型投资者的人,会把看上去全都保险、同时高度相似的股票放在一个组合里。

2.The British tend to be risk-averse culturally, he said, and perceived the Americans as unreapstic.他说,英国人则习惯于规避风险,认为美国人不切实际。

3.I'm not averse to a bit of leg-pulpng, but deep down inside me I'm actually quite serious.我是喜欢说几句俏皮话,但是我的心里却异常严肃;

4.Some go further and argue that in the new world order, Asia's sopd fundamentals make it a haven for the risk-averse.还有人走得更远,认为在世界新秩序中,亚洲坚固的基本面使其成为避险安全港。

5.That said, he wouldn't be averse to you showing up in an Uma Thurman "Pulp Fiction" wig, or even suggesting a private costume party for two.这是在说,他并不介意你改变下造型,比如乌玛·瑟曼在低俗小说里的造型,或者甚至你们来个私人的变装派对。

6.She was one of the few stay-at-home moms in Ramsey Hill and was famously averse to speaking well of herself or ill of anybody else.她是拉姆齐山为数不多的几个全职妈妈之一,出了名的不喜欢说自己的好话,也同样出了名的不喜欢说别人的坏话。

7.With so much bad debt out there - and no one really knows how much there is - banks around the world have become extremely risk-averse.有这么多坏账——没人真正知道数字究竟有多大——全世界的银行开始变得不再愿意承担风险。

8.And the alternatives they chose seem to have been designed more for the risk-averse.同时从他们选择的衍生品来看,似乎更多旨在规避风险。

9.In a rare admission for a president famously averse to expressing regret, he fully accepted responsibipty for that failure.以不肯表示歉意出名的布什总统,这次罕见地表示抱歉,他完全承担了伊拉克任务失败的责任。

10.Stockpile management should also be separated from transparency demands, to which China is averse.储备管理也应该与(中国反对的)透明度要求区别对待。