


美式发音: [ˈevəri] 英式发音: [ˈeivəri]





1.艾利 Lydia 莉迪娅 Avery 埃弗里 Angel 天使 ...

4.艾富里 Augustine 奥古斯汀 Avery 艾富里 Aaron 艾伦 ...

5.艾利公司印机钻石代理商、TSC条码打印机一级代理商,以美国艾利公司(AVERY)为原材料,并拥有碳带标签等条码打印耗材专业生产 …

6.艾利纸2、专业生产条码不干胶标签,原材料全部采用进口美国艾利纸AVERY)、美国贝迪(BRADY)耐高温标贴原材料。我们可 …

7.埃弗瑞当1940年埃弗瑞Avery)发明了高压炉顶操作时,叶受到启发。他认为“这是1828年奈尔逊(NeilSOn)提出在高炉上使用‘ …

8.艾佛瑞1942 艾佛瑞(Avery)研究格里夫兹转形的物质为何? 证实可让细菌转形的物质为DNA 1952 赫希-却斯 (Hershey-Chase)以放射线 …


1.Avery put one leg over the fence of the pigpen. He was just about to raise his stick to hit Charlotte when he lost his balance.艾弗利一只脚跨过猪栏的栅栏目,举起棍子正要打下去,却突然失去平衡跌倒了。

2.We had avery heated discussion about the question. However, it's not easy to tell exactly what each person said.咱们就这个问题进行了一番很是热烈的讨论,然而要确切地说出每一个人讲了些啥子却不容易。

3."Look at my frog! " said Avery, placing the frog on the drain board and holding out his hand for pie.“看看我的青蛙吧。”艾弗利说,把青蛙放在滴水板上,伸出手去拿蓝莓派。

4.The 2nd, the ensue sex that industrial capital must maintain form of function of avery kind of to go up in time.第二,产业资本必须保持每一种职能形式在时间上的继起性。

5.He had to reinvent his game again with Avery, who was using him in a traditional way, '' Donnie Nelson says.Avery按传统方式使用他,他不得不再次彻底改造自己的比赛。

6.It's very satisfying to me to be part of avery significant effort to bring to a conclusion what those heroes started 25years ago.我很高兴我能参与到这项工作中来,我们为了给25年前英雄们所开创的事业画上圆满句号而做出非常重要的努力。

7.Jack Rabbit, or Jack E. Rabbit, was the personal choice of Avery himself, since he had spent so much time hunting rabbits.杰克·罗伯特,或者杰克·易·罗伯特,是艾维瑞他自己的个人选择,因为他花了很多时间来猎兔。

8.John Avery Lomax was born in 1867. He came from the state of Mississippi but grew up in Texas.约翰•艾弗里•洛马克斯出生于1867年的密西西比,但在德州长大。

9."These changes make many of the old disputes seem pointless, or at least secondary, " says Jesuit Theologian Avery Dulles.“这种转变使得很多老的争论焦点变得毫无意义,或者至少退居其次,不那么尖锐了。”基督教神学家AveryDulles说。

10.The Quakertown, Pennsylvania facipty serves as one of the major strategic manufacturing and distribution hubs for Avery Dennison.该夸克敦,宾夕法尼亚设施作为一项重大战略制造及分销中心的艾利丹尼森。