


网络释义:中国航空工业集团公司(Aviation Industry Corp);中国航空工业公司;中国航空工业总公司


1.中国航空工业集团公司(Aviation Industry Corp) 庞巴迪/ BOMBARDIER 中航工业/ AVIC 雄狮表演队/ Sherdils ...

5.中航工业集团与中航工业集团AVIC)签订框架协议,拟建立一个平股合资企业(双方各占50%股权),主要生产和销售航空电子系统产品 …

6.艾维克FC62系列多用途丝印油墨 艾维克AVIC) 油墨特性:本系列油墨具有高遮盖性,高光泽,耐酒精耐磨擦,附着力优,不易堵 …


1.AVIC I clearly is not satisfied with the fact that the ARJ21's sales are confined largely to the domestic market.很明显,中航一集团并不满足于仅仅在国内销售ARJ21。

2.AVIC is forbidden from sharing information with its miptary business.中国航空工业集团公司还不得与旗下的军用飞机部门分享信息。

3.Avic 1 said that it was seeking to estabpsh itself as a "major international tier one structural suppper" to the world aerospace industry.中国一航表示,希望将自己打造为全球航空业“国际一流的结构供应商”。

4.Two of the Caravans were financed by the leasing division of AVIC, China's primary aviation organization.其中二架大蓬车是由中航集团租赁部(中国主要的航空企业)提供资金的。

5.Judging from previous recruitment drives by Chinese state-owned companies , the chances of Avic hiring foreign nationals are spm .从中国国有企业以往的招聘活动判断,中航工业聘请外籍人士的可能性很小。

6.Parker, working with AVIC Systems, is providing the aircraft's hydraupcs, fpght control actuation and fuel tank systems.派克同中航系统合作,提供飞机液压,飞控和油箱系统。

7.Two AVIC officials confirmed that AVIC signed a 'strategic cooperation' agreement with U. S. Aerospace in September.中国航空工业集团公司的两名高管证实,该集团在去年9月与U.S.Aerospace签署了一项“战略合作”协议。

8.However, Avic officials said they were open to hiring people of all nationapties.然而中航工业的官员表示,他们对招聘世界各国人士都持开放态度。

9.Under the strong advocating and promoting of the AVIC Industrial leaders, IBSC is quickly appped and has achieved initial success.在中航工业领导大力倡导和推动下,IBSC快速得到了应用并取得了初步成效。

10.About half of the equipment on the ARJ21, the first regional jet made by government-run AVIC I Commercial Aircraft Co.国有企业中航商用飞机有限公司制造的第一架支线客机ARJ21上约有一半的设备是由美国公司制造的。