


网络释义:自动车辆定位(Automatic Vehicle Location);导联;平衡二叉树


1.自动车辆定位(Automatic Vehicle Location)极右上肢导联(aVR),在左臂则 为加压单极左上肢导联(aVL),在左腿则为加压单极左下肢导联(aVF). 单极胸导联 将一个测量电 …

3.平衡二叉树) 来完成本案例. 可以试着改用平衡树(AVL)作为 数据结构.关于平衡树的相关知识 可查阅数据结构教材. 第38页 共36页 目录 …

5.兰迪斯(Adelson-Velskii and Landis)为了提高对vma段 查询、插入、删除操作的速度,LINUX同时维护了一个AVLAdelson-Velskii and Landis)树。在树中,所 …


1.Originally here to download other peoples balanced binary tree, but found not easy to use, so from a code guru download.AVL平衡二叉树。原本在这里下载了其他人的平衡二叉树,但发现都不好用,于是从codeguru下载了一个。

2.The FIRE software developed by AVL is adopted to simulate combustion process of a DI diesel engine with different injection parameters.应用AVL公司的FIRE软件,通过改变不同的喷射参数,对直喷式柴油机的燃烧过程进行了多维数值模拟。

3.Red-black tree is still not balanced tree, but the statistical performance is better than the AVL tree.红黑树的JAVA实现。红黑树仍然不是平衡树,但是统计性能要好于AVL树。

4.Suppper database maintenance , AVL updating and be responsible for suppper certifications collecting and checking.维护供应商数据库,更新合格供应商数据并协助搜集和检查供应商相关资质认证。

5.This article presents a demo of an AVL Tree, which only describes the inserting, removing, and searching a node.这个项目演示了AVL树,只是描述了插入、删除以及搜索一个节点。

6.Value of aVL lead in diagnosing right ventricular infarction involvement in patients with acute inferior myocardial infarction.aVL导联判断急性下壁心肌梗死合并右室心肌梗死的价值。

7.Although there has been a lot of AVL tree pbraries available now, nearly all of them are meant to work in the random access memory(RAM).虽然有猊很多AVL树库可以使用,几乎所有都使用随机访问内存(RAM)。

8.To source the materials from AVL supppers to meet RD engineering request date.确保及时从批准供应商获取物料以满足研发工程的需求。

9.Acts as stockist for AVL's wine products and maintain stocks at Shanghai warehouse.同时,作为AVL葡萄酒产品的存货商,在上海了建立库存仓储。

10.AVL tree is the first invention of the self-balancing binary search tree.AVL树是最先发明的自平衡二叉查找树。