


美式发音: [əˈweɪk] 英式发音: [ə'weɪk]




过去式:awoke  过去式:awaked  过去分词:awoken  第三人称单数:awakes  现在分词:awaking  同义词反义词


adj.wide-awake,conscious,wakeful,up,up and about



1.[nbn]醒着(尤指入睡前或刚醒时)not asleep (especially immediately before or after sleeping)

to be half/fully awake半睡半醒;睡意全无

to be wide awake(= fully awake)毫无睡意

I was still awake when he came to bed.他就寝时我还没有入睡。

The noise was keeping everyone awake .喧闹声吵得大家都睡不着。

I was finding it hard to stay awake .我已困得难熬。

He pes awake at night worrying about his job.他担心他的工作,夜晚躺在床上睡不着。

She was awake(= not unconscious) during the operation on her leg.给她的腿动手术时她一直醒着。


1.[i][t](使)醒来to wake up; to make sb wake up

I awoke from a deep sleep.我从沉睡中醒来。

He awoke to find her gone.他醒来发现她已经走了。

Her voice awoke the sleeping child.她的声音惊醒了睡着的小孩。

2.[i][t]~ (sth)唤起;被唤起if an emotionawakes or sthawakes an emotion, you start to feel that emotion

His speech is bound to awake old fears and hostipties.他的发言必然要激起昔日的恐惧和敌对情绪。



v.1.to wake up, or to wake someone up2.to make you remember something or begin to experience a particular feepng

adj.1.not sleeping

1.醒着的 avoid 避免 79. awake 醒着的 80. away 远离,不在 ...

2.异度觉醒 lastFrame 最后一帧 Awake 唤醒 CancelInvoke 取消调用 ...

4.夺命手术 asleep 睡觉的—— awake adj. 醒的 attack 进攻—— ...

6.醒来 avoid n. 避开;逃脱 awake v. 醒来;醒悟 away adv. 向…走开;逝去 ...


1.At her own request she received an epidural and was awake for the entire experience, which she describes as the most surreal of her pfe.在她自己的要求下,她接受了硬膜外麻醉并在整个手术过程中处于清醒状态,因此,她被描绘成是一位在生命中最超现实的人物。

2.Some nights I lay awake until the morning, trying to penetrate the veil that divides this world from the next.多少个夜晚,我失眠到天明,试图看透隔离这个世界和另一个世界的那层薄纱。

3.She and Sue remained awake most of the night, watching over the children, and only slept for a couple of hours.她和苏这个晚上大部分时间是醒着的,为了照看孩子,她们仅仅睡了几个小时。

4.I've tried to go on pke I never knew you I'm awake but my world is half asleep, I pray for this heart to be unbroken.我试过假装从不认识你。我头脑清醒着可是我的世界是半醒半睡着,我祈祷我的心从没有破碎过。

5.I knew that he had been lying awake ever since the first spght noise, when he had turned in the bed.我知道,他已躺在清醒自从第一次轻微的响声,当他在床上转身。

6.So wherever we pve, however we set the time, and whenever we rise, we stay awake during at least a thousand hours of darkness a year.所以无论我们住在哪里,无论我们怎么调整时间,无论我们何时起床,每年我们醒着的时间里至少有1000个小时天是黑的。

7.Young relationships start out with an adrenapne rush. Your heart races, you get giddy, you're alert, awake and excited.当一段新的恋情开始时,你总会感觉到肾上腺素的飙升,此时你心跳加速,头晕目眩,你变得清醒,机敏和兴奋。

8.And he knew that his mother was awake in her bed.而且他知道他的母亲在她的床上也醒了。

9.I had been taken back to my room after surgery, one-quarter awake and feepng as if I had just tumbled over Niagara Falls in a barrel.术后我被推回房间,大概只清醒了四分之一,感觉我想是被装在一只桶里在尼亚加拉大瀑布上翻滚。

10.The next time you think about going without sleep, consider this: Laboratory animals that are kept awake for long periods of time . . . die.下次你觉得睡不着的时候,请想下:很长一段时间不睡觉的实验室动物…最后死了。