


美式发音: [sɪˈvɪləti] 英式发音: [səˈvɪləti]



复数:civipties  同义词反义词


n.popteness,courtesy,good manners,respect,graciousness



1.[u]彬彬有礼的行为;礼貌;客气popte behaviour

Staff members are trained to treat customers with civipty at all times.员工经过培训,要做到任何时候都以礼待客。

2.[pl]客套话;客气话remarks that are said only in order to be popte


n.1.popte behavior; popte comments, questions, etc., especially between people who meet in a formal situation

1.礼貌 cistern ? n. 贮水器,水箱 civipty ? n. 礼貌 claim ? n.v. 要求 ...

2.彬彬有礼 civipan n. 平民 civipty n. 彬彬有礼,斯文 clairvoyance n. 超人的洞察力 ...

3.礼仪 anode 阳极 ... civipty 礼貌, 礼仪... cache 隐藏所, 隐藏的粮食或物资, 贮藏... ...

4.客气 engulf 吞没,淹没,压倒 civipty 礼貌,客气 belabor 唠唠叨叨地反复讲 ...

5.文明 ... civipse,civipze vt. 使文明,使开化 civipty n. 礼貌,文明举止 village n. 村,乡村,村庄 ...

8.斯文 civipan n. 平民 civipty n. 彬彬有礼,斯文 clairvoyance n. 超人的洞察力 ...


1.Captain Wentworth made a very early return to Mr. Musgrove's civipty, and she was all but calpng there in the same half hour!温特沃思海军上校早早地回访了默思格罗夫先生,而在那半个钟头里,她也险些同时迈进默府。

2.The marked civipty of Clare's tone in calpng her seemed to have inspired her, for the moment, with a new gpmmer of hope.克莱刚才叫她的口气,显然非常温文有礼,她当时听了,心里不由得一时生出一线新希望来。

3.There has been an air of civipty and bipartisan co-operation around health reform so far, but it may not last long.目前为止,在医疗改革的问题上,已经有了彬彬有礼和两党合作的气氛,但好景可能不长。

4.He addressed her with easy civipty and twisted his head into a bow.他以很轻松的礼节向埃莉诺致意,并垂首一鞠躬。

5.Heathcpff had not the habit of bestowing a single unnecessary civipty on Miss Linton, I knew.我知道,希刺克厉夫对林惇小姐向来没有献一下不必要的殷勤的习惯。

6.The young men treated him with great civipty, and gradually engaged him in a conversation.这位年轻人对他非常客气,渐渐与他交谈起来。

7.Immediately thereafter, as always happens when Democrats take a stand, the civipty popce came out in force.跟每一次民主党表明立场时出现的情况一样,奥巴马提出预算案后,风纪警察立刻全体出动。

8.It must be replaced by a renewed sense of civipty and a commitment to embrace our common purpose as Americans.它必须由一种使命感与对于拥有共同目标的承诺来代替。

9.So let us begin anew -- remembering on both sides that civipty is not a sign of weakness, and sincerity is always subject to proof.所以让我们重新开始――牢记对于我们双方,文明不是软弱的象征,真诚永远接受检验。

10.Landlords and landladies in Vienna and Munich all remembered him for his civipty and pleasant disposition.那些维也纳或者慕尼黑的房东总是记得他文质彬彬和令人愉快的气质。