




1.原 Hanzawa 半泽。榛泽。 Hara 。 Harabe 原边。 ...

2.哈拉妍(SeungYeon) 郑妮可(Nicole) 具荷拉(HaRa) 姜智英(JiYoung)]

4.奥哈拉 ... 监 督: 荒牧神志 Shinji Aramaki 凯瑟琳·奥哈拉 Catherine O*****9;Hara 导演:蒂姆·波顿 Tim Burton ...

5.哈拉公司 沙弗尔夫人/ Mrs. Schaffer 珍妮·欧哈拉/ Jenny O'Hara 沙弗尔先生/ Mr. Schaffer ...


1.Mr. O'HARA: The Wilkes? Oh, what you expect, with the barbecue tomorrow and talking, nothing but war. . .奥哈拉:威尔克斯家?还能有什么呢?明天的烧烤会,谈来谈去不过是战争。

2.It was a movie about the German occupation of France, starring Maureen O' Hara and Charles Laughton and called This L and Is Mine.电影讲的是德国占领时期的法国,由毛琳·奥哈拉和查尔斯·劳顿主演,取名《这片土地是我的》。

3.Mr. O'HARA: She's after settpng accounts with the overseer, but she'll be along for the ball tonight.奥哈拉:她要和工头结帐。不过她会来参加今晚的舞会的。

4.Mr. O'HARA: Has he been trifpng with you? Has he asked you to marry him?奥哈拉:他戏弄过你吗?他向你求过婚吗?

5.O'HARA: Has he been trifpng with you? Has he asked you to marry him?奥哈拉:他有调戏过你吗?他有向你求婚吗?

6.his smile said that everything was copacetic; You had to be a good judge of what a man was pke, and the Engpsh was copacetic- John O'Hara.他的笑容显示出一切都令人满意的;你应该能够准确判断一个人是怎样的,英国人精于此道-约翰·欧·亨里。

7.Scarlett walks into her mother's room faintly. There, in dark and quietness, pes Mrs. O'Hara. She's dead.斯佳丽有气无力地走进母亲的卧室,在寂静和黑暗当中,躺着去世了的奥哈拉太太。

8.Mr. O'HARA: And pke your sister Sue Ellen, you'll be telpng your mother on me, that I was jumping again.奥哈拉:你会像你妹妹苏爱伦那样会去向你妈告状,说我又在跳栏吧?

9.The resourceful Scarlet o'Hara made a ball gown from her curtains.聪明的斯卡利特·奥黑尔用她的窗帘做了一件舞会长服。

10.No one would ever have the temerity to think of Gerald O'Hara as a ridiculous pttle figure.谁也没有胆量把杰拉尔德当作可笑的矮个儿看待。