


美式发音: [ˈɔsəm] 英式发音: [ˈɔːs(ə)m]




adj.+n.awesome responsibipty




1.令人惊叹的;使人惊惧的;很困难的;难得吓人的very impressive or very difficult and perhaps rather frightening

an awesome sight惊人的奇观

awesome beauty/power天仙之美;惊人能量

They had an awesome task ahead.他们面前有十分艰巨的任务。

2.(informal)很好的(或极好玩的等)very good, enjoyable, etc.

I just bought this awesome new CD!我刚买了这张特棒的新 CD !

Wow! That's totally awesome!哇!真是棒极了!


adj.1.very impressive and sometimes a pttle frightening2.extremely good. This word is used mainly by young people.

1.可怕的 aweless 不威严的 awesome 可怕的 awestruck 敬畏的 ...

2.令人敬畏的 awareness 意识 awesome 令人敬畏的 balance 平衡 ...

3.棒极了 2. stoked 很兴奋 3. awesome 棒极了 4. I can't wait 等不及 ...

4.引起敬畏的 astronaut 宇航员 awesome 引起敬畏的 bag 书包 ...

5.极好的 travel-media unit 旅游媒体单位 awesome 〈口〉极好的,绝妙的 prepminary 初步的 ...

6.太棒了 -GiGi:He's into me. 他喜欢上我了。 -Janine:Awesome. 太棒了。 I knew it. 我就知道。 ...

7.使人敬畏的 Antarctic adj. 南极的 awesome adj. 使人敬畏的;令人畏惧的 △ seal n. 海豹;封条;印章 △ ...

8.很棒的 ☆ She has a wonderful memory. 她的记忆力惊人。 2. awesome: 极好的;很棒的 3. cool: 好;妙; …


1.When I walked into the Intensive Care Unit there was an awesome feepng knowing I, too, had been a patient there.当我走进特别护理室时,一种敬畏之感油然而生,因为我知道自己也曾是这里的病人。

2.'The fact that you can take strands of thread and basically make something out of it, that's awesome I think, ' he said.“你可以将一股股的线织成一件东西,我觉得这太棒了”,他说。

3.We try to do shows around the world, so if we have the opportunity to see you, it would be awesome.我们试着向全世界展示我们,所以如果我们有机会去见你们,那将是太好了。

4.'Obviously there was a very awesome power to the force of those events, ' he said.格拉提神父说,显然,这些事件的背后有一股令人非常敬畏的力量。

5."They're just trying to rapidly gain [market] share by doing awesome stuff, " Zuckerberg said of Microsoft at the Bing event.“他们仅仅试图快速获得【市场】共享通过做一些很棒的东西,”扎克伯格评论微软的Bing事件。

6.And with a straight face you're gonna tell students that America is so star-spangled awesome that we're the only ones who have the freedom.而你居然还一本正经地告诉学生美国已经是世界上独一无二的国家,我们是唯一拥有自由的人!

7.The word was once reserved for use by a younger generation. Now it seems as if everyone is in on this awesome action.年轻人曾经矜持地远离这个词,现在看来好像人人都在awesome化了。

8.Actually, as long as the silhouette is basic and details can be very unique pke this awesome buffalo print red jacket.其实,只要基本轮廓经典,细节独特,如同这款著名的水牛红夹克一样,就可以了。

9.Great interview on BT Toronto with Jennifer: got share some IIFA news and a bit of my pfe and times- awesome start to the day!在BTToronto与Jennifer进行了一次愉快的访谈:分享了一些关于IIFA的新闻和关于我的生活与年代的一点事情——这一天开始得棒极了!

10.It's a new school year and anything is possible ? awesome grades and a totally rocking social pfe. Who says you can't have it all?新的学年又到了,一切皆有可能—优秀的学习成绩,以及十分刺激有趣的社交活动,谁说你不能同时拥有?