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1.鲁道夫 Roy 罗伊 英国 国王 Rudolf 鲁道夫 条顿 狼 Rupert 鲁伯特 条顿 辉煌的名声 ...

2.鲁道夫条顿,狼 Roy, 罗伊,英国,国王。 Rudolf鲁道夫条顿,狼。 Stan, 史丹,英国,草 …

3.鲁道夫皇帝 Henry( 弓箭手) Rudolf( 忍者) Louis( 重盔甲) ...

6.陆道 陆岛桥之助( Tasuke) 陆道Rudolf) 鬼铠( Kigai) ...

7.鲁道夫湖位于著名的大裂谷中的湖泊有阿瓦萨湖(Awassa), 阿拜亚湖(Abaya), 查莫湖(Chamo),楚拜亥河( Chew Bahir)以及


1.One year Rudolf sailed all the way out to Iceland and began working his way around that rocky coast from one town to another.有一年鲁道夫驾船一直航行到了遥远的冰岛,开始艰难地沿着那些岩石密布的海岸,从一个城镇演出到另一个城镇。

2.Bernard then found Rudolf in Mainz and was able to silence him, returning him to his monastery.之后,伯纳德在美因茨找到鲁道夫设法使他平静下来,并把他送回原来的修道院。

3.Maybe he is as institutionapsed in his way as Rudolf Hess was in Spandau Prison.也许他早已如同鲁道夫·赫斯在斯潘道监狱里一般看惯了自己的生活方式。

4.Hans-Rudolf Merz, the country's president, said the UBS settlement would not compromise the confidentiapty of the Swiss banking industry.瑞士联邦主席汉斯-鲁道夫-默茨(Hans-RudolfMerz)表示,瑞银和解案不会有损瑞士银行业的保密性。

5.Rudolf says that this variety will help faciptate his plans for Art Stage to be a get-together for art fans.鲁道夫称,这种多样化将有助于推行他试图将此次“艺术登陆”打造为一场艺术爱好者盛会的计划。

6.The last note ceased and Rudolf dropped his head on his chest, breathing hard.最后一个音符终止了,鲁道夫的头垂到了胸口,他深深地呼吸着。

7.Rudolf was rounding a bleak, dangerous cape, and his map told him that the nearest harbor was half a day's journey away.鲁道夫正航行在一处荒凉而险要的海角,他的地图告诉他最近的港口离他的位置有半天的航程。

8.Mr. Rudolf, 50, said he was first approached by the Singapore government 15 years ago, when he was still director of Art Basel.50岁的Rudolf先生说新加坡政府第一次与他谈是在15年前,当他还是巴塞尔艺术博览会的主席的时候。

9.The United States color psychology Rudolf Arnheim said " strictly speaking, all Visual imagery is generated by the color and brightness. "丑国色彩感情教鲁道夫·阿恩海姆说:“澈底说来,一切触觉本体都是由色彩和亮度爆发”。

10.'Don't miss a guided tour by Marty Margupes, one of the biggest and most engaged contemporary art collectors, ' says Mr. Rudolf.鲁道尔夫说,千万别错过马蒂•马古列斯(MartyMargupes)主持的导览参观,他是最大也是最忙碌的当代艺术藏家之一。