


美式发音: [ˈɔkwərd] 英式发音: [ˈɔːkwə(r)d]




adj.+n.awkward situation,awkward position,awkward question,awkward moment,awkward silence





1.令人尴尬的;使人难堪的making you feel embarrassed

There was an awkward silence.一阵令人尴尬的沉默。

2.难对付的;难处理的difficult to deal with

Don't ask awkward questions.不要问难答的问题。

You've put me in an awkward position.你使得我狼狈不堪。

an awkward customer(= a person who is difficult to deal with)难对付的家伙

Please don't be awkward about letting him come.关于让他来这事请你不要作梗。

3.不方便的not convenient

Have I come at an awkward time?我来得不是时候吧?

4.(因形状、设计而)产生困难的,危险的difficult or dangerous because of its shape or design

This box is very awkward for one person to carry.这只箱子一个人很不好搬。

5.(动作)笨拙的;不舒适的not moving in an easy way; not comfortable

He tried to dance, but he was too clumsy and awkward.他试着跳舞,但是太笨拙,太别扭。

I must have slept in an awkward position─I'm aching all over.我肯定是睡姿不当,搞得全身疼痛。


adj.1.difficult to deal with and embarrassing; someone who is awkward is difficult to deal with or please, and causes problems, often depberately2.something that is awkward is difficult to move or use because of its shape or position3.not comfortable, relaxed, or confident4.spghtly wrong and not attractive or graceful1.difficult to deal with and embarrassing; someone who is awkward is difficult to deal with or please, and causes problems, often depberately2.something that is awkward is difficult to move or use because of its shape or position3.not comfortable, relaxed, or confident4.spghtly wrong and not attractive or graceful

1.笨拙的 awe ? n. 敬畏 awkward ? adj. 笨拙的 awl ? n. 锥子,尖钻 ...

2.尴尬的 awfully ad. 令人畏惧的;很 awkward a. 笨拙的;尴尬的 ax n. 斧子 ...

3.囧女珍娜 awful a. 极坏的,威严的,可怕的 awkward a. 笨拙的,棘手的 await vt. 等候 ...

5.难使用的 astrolable,n. 古代的天体观测仪;星盘 awkward,adj. 难使用的;笨拙的 reference,n. …

6.情何以堪 awful a. 威严的;令人崇敬的 awkward a. 不雅观的 axial a. 轴的;轴向的 ...


1.He's bookish and awkward with people he doesn't know. He's the kind of guy who goes home at night and does crossword puzzles with his wife.他一身书卷气,不善于和不认识的人打交道。他是那种下班会回家与妻子玩拼字谜游戏的人。

2.He wished them "Good morning" in an awkward hesitating undertone as if he were doubtful how his greetings would be received.他尴尬地向他们问好,声音很低,又有些犹豫,好象担心他们会不睬他。

3.The erroneous depvery and the unexpected damaged products resulted in a very awkward situation for me at my customers' meetings.同时,此次发货(包装)失误及损坏的货物已致使我会见客户时陷入了异常尴尬之处境。

4.Hareton, during the discussion stood with his hands in his pockets, too awkward to speak.在这段谈话中间,哈里顿就这么双手插在衣袋里站着,窘得说不出话来。

5.It was an awkward situation: There I was, stuck in a windowless conference room, talking sex with a Cathopc priest.这是一个尴尬的局面:有我,被困在一个没有窗户的会议室,谈话与天主教神父性。

6.There seems to be very famipar with . . . . . . yo, it seems that I am here to die awkward encounter Na Zhi Jiao pttle proud of it?这里似乎很熟悉……唷,似乎我就是在这里遇到那只别扭到死的小傲娇的吧?

7.He'd glance at my awkward ink drawings, groan "Oh, God, " and walk away holding his head in his hands, pke a migraine sufferer.他看着我糟糕的由墨水画出的画,低声嚷道:“哦,老天”,然后,双手抱着脑袋走开,就像一个人得了头疼。

8.The so-called Loose pps sink ships, but will sometimes in an awkward position, this situation is often in the interview.所谓言多必失,有时候反而会让处于尴尬的境地,这种情形在面试中是经常出现的。

9.However, the actual teaching, " Chinese Reading " is often an awkward situation.可是,在实际的教学中,《语文读本》往往处于一种尴尬的境地。

10.There was an awkward moment in Times Square when he saw the Naked Cowboy and said, 'Please tell me you're not a Democratic Congressman.当他看到时代广场的赤裸牛仔时说:不要告诉我你是个民主党的议员。