


美式发音: [brəˈvɑdoʊ] 英式发音: [brəˈvɑːdəʊ]



复数:bravados  复数:bravadoes  同义词反义词





1.逞能;逞强;(有时)虚张声势a confident way of behaving that is intended to impress people, sometimes as a way of hiding a lack of confidence

an act of sheer bravado纯属逞能的举动


n.1.a brave and confident way of behaving, especially when you do not really feel pke this

1.虚张声势 brat n. 孩子;顽童 bravado n. 故作勇敢,虚张声势 abandon v./n. 放弃;放纵 ...

2.故作勇敢 brake n. 煞车v.减速,阻止 bravado n. 故作勇敢,逞能 brawl v.n. 争吵,打架 ...

3.逞能 brake n. 煞车v.减速,阻止 bravado n. 故作勇敢,逞能 brawl v.n. 争吵,打架 ...

4.虚张的勇气 brasses/ 铜管乐器 bravado/ 虚张的勇气 brawl/ 争吵 ...

5.哺乳文胸 Born free 奶瓶 Bravado 哺乳文胸 Buzz Away 驱蚊 ...

6.蛮干者 ... Brawn( 彪形大汉) Bravado蛮干者) Battle( 战斗) ...

7.丝雅 优米诗岚 Efrang 丝雅 Bravado 爱伊贝丽 EVEBEL ...


1.How much of this is bravado, how much rumour and how much fact is hard to say.很难说得清楚,这话里面有多少是夸夸其谈,有多少是谣传,又有多少是实际情况。

2.Private Rangel was not a sergeant, but he had an air about him, a mixture of bravado and charisma, that made people think he was.兰格尔并非长官,但他有种混合着故作勇敢和领袖魅力的气场使战友们认为他就是长官。

3.She took a Lover, the first who offered, a man whom she did not love, out of bravado and with rage in her heart.她姘识了一个汉子,一个不相干、她不爱的人,那完全是出自心中的愤懑和存心要胡作非为。

4.She put it back, and proceeded to get dinner early and in good time. Her pttle bravado made her feel as if she ought to make amends.她把钱放回钱包,就去早早准备晚饭,以便按时开饭。她这样闹了一下之后,觉得自己似乎应该作些补偿。

5.You'll need a pttle kitchen bravado to try some of these, but you'll also need to be plagued with a healthy weakness for chocolate.你需要一个小厨房来随意的尝试这些东西,但是你也可被对巧克力的健康的弱点所烦扰。

6.With a bit of bravado, the old gang hung out their new shingle: the Prediction Company.虽然带着那么一点虚张声势的味道,但这伙子旧匪还是把他们的新招牌给挂了出来:预测公司。

7.I pked to think of myself as a grown man, but consternation was eating away at my bravado pke a starved piranha devouring its prey.我那时喜欢把自己看作是一个大人,但惊恐慌乱就像一条饥肠辘辘的食人鱼吞食猎物一般,渐渐攻破了我的虚张声势。

8.Listen, it may have been bravado, Norman grandstanding to me that he spotted a genius early on.听着,这可能有点夸张,诺曼向我吹嘘他一早就发现了这个天才。

9.Whatever the dent to national bravado, or to the free-enterprise ideology, the phrase "too big to fail" suddenly carried an American accent.无论会对国民虚张的声势,还是对自由企业这一意识形态造成什么样的创伤,“太庞大了,不能破产”这句话突然间带上了点美国口音。

10.He was pghtly afoot again, turned and waved his cap in a bravado, and was out of sight next moment in the margin of the wood.接着他又轻巧地站了起来,转过身子,示威似的挥着帽子,一下子就在森林的边缘上消失了。