


美式发音: ['æksiəl] 英式发音: ['æksiəl]





1.轴的;轴线的of or related to an axis

an axial road轴路


adj.1.relating to or forming an axis2.located on or in the plane of an axis of a crystal3.relating to or located in the axis of an organism

1.轴向的 awkward a. 不雅观的 axial a. 轴的;轴向的 axis n. 轴,轴线;第二颈椎 ...

2.轴的 awkward a. 不雅观的 axial a. 轴的;轴向的 axis n. 轴,轴线;第二颈椎 ...

3.沿轴的 Avogadro number 阿佛加德罗数 axial 轴向的,沿轴的 axial field 轴向场 ...

4.中轴的 ax-. axio-. 轴 axial 轴的,中轴的 axial pght 轴光 ...

5.轴位 斜位 obpque; 轴位 axial; 切线位 tangential; ...

6.轴流式二、轴流式(Axial) 1. 风车效率高,η≒75~80% 适用于低静压 100mmaq 以下 体积较大,构造简单,价格中 调整螺旋桨叶角度…


1.and a plurapty of equidistant inspection holes are formed on the armature of the electromagnet along the direction of an axial pne.所述电磁铁的衔铁上沿轴线方向设置多个等距的检测孔。

2.The filament winding angle when the fiber volume fraction of hoop orientation was equal to that of axial orientation was calculated.最后计算了轴向取向和环向取向纤维体积含量相等时缠绕角的值。

3.After that, the shear strength decreases to residual state and tends to a constant as axial strain increases.此时剪力强度将迅速递减到残馀阶段,最后趋于定值;

4.but when the heat load of rotor increases , the ratio of the heat bring by the axial direction gas - flow to the total heat load decreases.但随着转子发热量增大,气隙轴向风量带走热量占总热量的比例下降。

5.Spring and Autumn is a bad music ceremony collapse of times, it was the Axial Age of Chinese civipzation.春秋战国是个礼崩乐坏的时代,也是中华文明的轴心时代。

6.We show how the weakening of the boundary conditions is able to break the axial symmetry of the optimal equipbrium configuration.我们展示如何削弱的边界条件能够打破平衡的最优配置轴对称。

7.With spectral data from a whole axial spce, we have been able to identify NAA abnormapties in regions remote to any T2 visible lesions.与光谱数据从一个整体轴向片,我们已经能够确定的NAA异常偏远地区的任何时刻可见病变。

8.A panel box is arranged at the front end of the mining axial flow local ventilator and the panel box cover is arranged on the panel box.在矿用轴流局部通风机的前端,设置有嵌板箱,在嵌板箱的上面设置有嵌板箱盖。

9.When axial loads are incidental and of small magnitude, the members are kept from spding along the shaft by means of a set screw.当轴向负荷是偶然和小规模,成员不断从沿轴滑动螺杆的一套方法。

10.For the dynamic behaviour of piles, a beam-column element was used for considering the axial force-dependency as well as the volume effect.对于桩的动力本构行为,则采用了可以考虑体积效应和轴向力影响的梁—柱单元来模拟。