


美式发音: [ˈæks(ə)l] 英式发音: ['æks(ə)l]






1.车轴a long straight piece of metal that connects a pair of wheels on a vehicle

the front/rear axle前╱后车轴


n.1.a metal bar that connects a pair of wheels on a car or other vehicle

1.车轴 车辙〖 rut〗 车轴axletree;pmber;axle〗 车子〖 vehicle〗 ...

2.轮轴 avionics 航电 axle 轮轴 Bi-orient polypropylene 双轨延伸聚丙烯 ...

3.心棒 axis n. 轴,轴线;第二颈椎 axle n. (轮)轴,车轴,心棒 B baby n. 一家中年龄最小的人 ...

4.车桥 Power steering 助力转向 Axle 车桥 Wheel 车轮 ...

5.驱动桥 温z呆 热补 沥青 asphalt 斯儿呆 哈姆斯 驱动桥 axle 夫瑞呆 阿尔巴 配件 assembly ...

6.心轴 spindle 主轴 axle 心轴 inherent 固有的 ...



1.Daimler-Benz owned the company then and had the good grace to place the Chrysler chassis on a Mercedes axle and, man, was that a sweet ride!当时戴姆勒——奔驰拥有这家公司,他们用克莱斯勒的底盘配梅赛德斯的车轴可真是积了大德,开起来那叫一个爽!

2.As shown in the side view above, both angle extrusion arms are situated flush with the bottom of the Axle mount.作为显示在侧视图以上,既角挤压武器是位于桥齐平的底部安装。

3.Adjust the elevation of the front bearing housing, to ensure the axle neck up-rising to be zero.调整前轴承座标高,使转子后轴颈扬度为零。

4.Additionally, the newly designed front optimizes the air flow and reduces the pfting forces at the front axle.此外,新设计的前端,优化了空气流动,降低了解除部队在前轴。

5.The frame consists of TWO straight pressed-steel members, five cross members, the front axle, the rear axle and four wheels.车架由两根冲压成形的钢制直梁、五个横梁、前桥、后桥和四个车轮组成

6.This new technique even can be employed to measure the surface strain field in a rotary wing, a rotary axle or a flywheel.在转动的轴、飞轮或旋翼等的表面,这一问题变得更加困难。

7.One end of the rotation axle is connected with an electromagnet by a pull rod and a weight rod.转动轴的一端通过拉杆和重锤杆与电磁铁相连。

8.The length of the wheel axle was also unified and expressways standardized to ease transportation throughout the country.长度的轮轴也统一和标准化,以减轻公路运输在全国各地。

9.Each wheel is provided with its own separate half-shaft connected by a differential gear and meeting at about the center of the axle.每个轮子具有它自己的分开一半-被一个差别的齿轮和会议连接的桥在有关轮轴的中心的事。

10.If all the weight is placed well below the axle, the trike is going to have excellent handpng regardless of weight distribution.如果所有的重量放在轴远低于中,三轮车将有出色的处理,不论重量分布。