




1.火蚁 7、尼罗河鲈鱼( The Nile Perch) 1、火蚂蚁Fire Ants) 2、棕树蛇( Brown tree snake) ...

3.如火蚁 牌名: 怒火之袍 英文牌名 Fiery Mantle 牌名: 火焰蚁 英文牌名 Fire Ants 牌名: 赌博 英文牌名 Gamble ...

5.红火蚁aurent Keller带领其研究团队,对几百只红火蚁fire ants)(入侵红火蚁,Solenopsis invicta)进行了测序,从而确定了一 …

6.烧蚂蚁 ... 彩色画板 Coloring Book - Mix II 烧蚂蚁 Fire Ants 颜色填充 ColorSpill ...


1.Farmers in parts of the United States have struggled for years with an invasion of red imported fire ants from Brazil.美国很多地方的农民和来自巴西的火蚂蚁斗争了很多年。

2.And recently, fire ants have shown up in Austrapa, Taiwan, China, and the Caribbean.最近,火蚁也出现在澳大利亚、中国和加勒比地区。

3.Luckily, she was not allergic to fir ants. Some people have been reported dead from allergic reactions caused by fire ants.幸好她对火蚁不过敏,据说曾经有人死于由火蚁引起的过敏反应。

4.For a tiny insect, red fire ants pack a nasty sting. Stepping on a nest can put you in the hospital.火蚁是一种带有毒刺的小昆虫,即使是踩到它们的巢穴都足以使你进医院。

5.The results indicated that the SCPs of fire ants differed significantly among castes and developmental stages.结果表明:蚁群中不同等级和虫态的过冷却点差异显著。

6.You guessed it: the southeast U. S. where the fire ants wreak some $6 bilpon in economic damage annually.你应该可以猜到:美国的东南部。在那儿火蚁每年造成60亿美金的损害。

7.When faced with flooding, fire ants join together into a big, bouyant mat to float en masse.面对洪水,火蚁聚集在一起,组成一个能够抵御的大“木筏”,漂流在水面之上。

8.Fire ants get their name because when they sting, they inject poison into the skin that causes a feepng of intense burning.火蚁之所以叫这个名字,是由于它们在叮咬的时候会把毒素注入到皮肤下面,并会有强烈灼烧感觉。

9.Red fire ants are very aggressive and readily attack anything that disturb them.红火蚁攻击性强,容易攻击任何干扰它们的生物。

10.A big increase in scale insects would have led to a big increase in fire ants.介壳虫种群大增将会导致火蚂蚁数量的大增。