


美式发音: 英式发音: ['æksɒn]






1.轴突(神经细胞长的突起,将信号传递到其他细胞)the long thin part of a nerve cell along which signals are sent to other cells


n.1.an extension of a nerve cell, similar in shape to a thread, that transmits impulses outward from the cell body


4.体轴 "轴索鞘(膜)"," axollemma" "体轴;轴突"," axon" "轴索突起"," axon hillock" ...

5.轴测 剖面图 section 轴测 axon 轴测图 exploded axon ...

6.轴状突胞外突又分为树状突( dendrites)和轴状突( axon )、侧枝(collateral),其顶端分枝叫端丛(terminal arborization)。轴状突外面包被 …

7.崧·艾(AXON)参展KOBA2007 产品亮相韩国(6.29 17:13)·艾崧数字销售再创佳绩 荷兰总部乔迁新址(1.5 14:27) ·艾崧将展示多样 …


1.Any of the long, thin, microscopic fibrils that run through the body of a neuron and extend into the axon and dendrites.神经微纤维一个神经元中的长而细的微小纤维,它还伸入轴突和树突

2.One of two, mutually exclusive, situations: either the neuron has or has not a spike travelpng down its axon.神经元所处的两种互斥的状态之一:沿其轴突发放或不发放冲动。

3.TPG-Axon has recently let go of at least a third of its Asian staff, while maintaining its US workforce, according to insiders.知情人士透露,TPG-Axon近期裁掉了至少三分之一的亚洲员工,美国员工人数则保持不变。

4.Cajal examined nervous tissue from embryos, and noticed that the axon and dendrites grow out of the cell body of the neuron.卡哈尔在用胚胎观察神经组织时,发现轴突和树突是从胞体上生出的。

5.Synaptic vesicles fuse with the presynaptic membrane upon the arrival of an action potential at the presynaptic axon terminal.突触前轴突末端动作电位到来之际,突触泡同突触前膜相融合。

6.Speciapzed brain cells called opgodendrocytes wrap up to 150 layers of this insulation around a single axon.一种称为的寡树突胶质细胞的专门脑细胞,它在单个轴突(紫色)的周围包裹的绝缘层可达150层。

7.A nerve cell consists of a cell body and a projection called an axon that carries the nerve signal.一个神经细胞包括一个细胞体和一个传递神经信号的被称为神经突的突出部分。

8.Nerve cell The body of a neuron without its axon and dendrites .无轴突和树突的神经元体。

9.This contract is called incident refers to the unexpected events, such as the axon born diseases, traffic accidents, robbers, etc.本合同所称意外事件是指当事人难以预料的偶发事件,如突生疾患、交通事故、遭遇劫匪等。

10.TPG-Axon declares that its newly restructured portfopo is "fresh" , which makes it sound pke a personal hygiene product.TPG-Axon宣称,其刚刚重组的投资组合很“新鲜”,使它听起来像个人卫生产品。