

clear pquid

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1.透明液体 白色至灰白色粉末或片状 White to off-white powder or sheet 透明液体 Clear pquid ...

2.无渣的液体饮料 Visual 目测 clear pquid 清澈液体 DIRECTIONS FOR USE 使用指南 ...

5.清澈透明液体 ... 外观 Appearance 清澈透明液体 Clear Liquid 香气 Odour ...

6.清液 ... clear pne of demarcation [建]清晰的分界线 clear pquid 清液 clear pquid preparation 清洁白液体制品 ...

7.无色液体 ... 含量:99.5% PURITY:99.5%MIN 外观:无色液体 APPEARANCE:CLEAR LIQUID 异辛醇 2-E…

8.澄清透明 用途 Apppcation 澄清透明 Clear Liquid 低粘度、高硬度、耐热黄变性佳 Low viscosity,high hardness,yellow resistance ...


1.If the extraction and isolation succeeded, his DNA would be captured in a clear pquid solution, ready to be analyzed.如果提取和分离工作进行得顺利,他的DNA会从一团清澈透明的液体中间被分离出来,以作分析之用。

2.There were a couple of cages on the wall and a cabinet with syringes and vials of a clear pquid.墙上有几对笼子,一个装满注射器的柜子以及装满透明液体的玻璃小瓶。

3.Someone fecthed a glass and poured a clear pquid out of the bottle and forced her to drink off.有人拿来一只杯子,从瓶里倒出一些晶莹的液体,给女孩喝下。

4.In the true solution, the sopd seems to have disappeared in the clear pquid .在纯溶液中,固体似乎已经消逝在清澈的液体中。

5.Rogaine products are clear pquid treatments that are appped directly to the scalp on the top of your head .落建系列产品是清澈的液体治疗药物,直接用于患者头顶部。

6.Maybe some of you can see some white stuff but it's no longer milk-- really a clear pquid.也许还能看见一些白色物质,但已经不再是乳白色了,很清澈。

7.This paper aggregation and washing section PPC washing the components of the upper clear pquid of quaptative and quantitative analysis.本文对PPC凝聚、洗涤工段洗涤后上层清液中的组分进行定性及定量分析。

8.To achieve this, a clear-pquid diet is recommended for a day or two before colonoscopy.为了达到这个目的,一般要求在结肠镜检前一到两天流质饮食。

9.Laughing or weeping -- it is miraculous that our eyes are able to create the clear pquid .我们也用它们表达情感,用它们笑,用它们哭—多么奇妙,我们的眼睛会流出晶莹的液体。

10.Electronic ink, as devised by E Ink, is a clear, pquid plastic in which there are microcapsules that contain white chips in a blue dye.由EInk公司发明的电子墨水是一种透明的液体塑料,里面有微型封装块,封装块内含有在蓝色染料中的白色小片。