


美式发音: ['aɪəʊ] 英式发音: ['aɪəʊ]

网络释义:先佑;亚洲青年管弦乐团(Asian Youth Orchestra);亚洲青年交响乐团

过去分词:ayoed  现在分词:ayoing  第三人称单数:ayoes  


adj.1.describes a kite when the string is cut and it fpes away quickly

v.1.to leave or finish something, especially quickly

1.先佑 农委会水保局 重大土石流灾例 台北县 ... 信义乡 出水溪(神木村) 云林县古坑乡 华山溪、科角 ...高分子 …

2.亚洲青年管弦乐团(Asian Youth Orchestra)... ... 01. Landing( 登陆) 02. AYO出猎) 05. NALUWAN( 那鲁湾) ...

5.唉呦喂 ant 蚂蚁 ayo 唉呦喂 back 坐回来 ...

6.郑先佑 郑先佑( Ayo) 原古代( Proterozoic Era) ...


1.Ayo Shawn, you hear me? Talk to me, walk with me.宋岳庭,是否能听到我说话?告诉我,与我谈话。

2.Cathay Pacific has also donated AYO concert tickets to local community groups for the underprivileged children to take part in the concert.国泰航空亦捐赠音乐会门券予本地弱势社群的儿童出席音乐会。

3.Ayo Olaniyan is a certified Unitive Life Coach.阿悦-奥兰尼亚是一位注册和谐生活教练。

4.Altamirano was killed by residents of Ayo Ayo a city located 81 Kilometers South of La Paz on June 15, 2004.阿约阿约市——一个拉巴斯以南81公里的小城15日发生骚乱。

5.Playing ayo-yo in the yard.在院子里玩溜溜球。

6.Whatchu gonna do when the crowd goes Ayo?当人群渐渐散去你会做什么呢?

7.Ayo Before I start this song man嗨,在我唱这首歌之前

8.Ladeeda ayo ladadayo ladeeda At times I feel myself smipng常常我感觉自己在微笑